feel an obligation

美 [fiːl ən ˌɑːblɪˈɡeɪʃn]英 [fiːl ən ˌɒblɪˈɡeɪʃn]
  • 感觉有义务
feel an obligationfeel an obligation
  1. When teachers assign homework , students usually feel an obligation to do it .


  2. We are all prisoners of our childhood and feel an obligation to it


  3. don 't feel an obligation to attend my memorial .


  4. Or let 's say there 's an event at church and we feel an obligation to attend , but there 's so much else on our calendar .


  5. ' I think I actually celebrate the holiday more here than I would at home . I feel an obligation to participate in it more for my [ three ] kids because I 'm not home .


  6. Tell him that you feel under an obligation to him .


  7. It 's not only a desire of mine but I feel it 's an obligation to help others reach their goals and complete their dreams .


  8. I don 't feel like it is an obligation . '


  9. I get pleasure from it . I love it . I don 't feel like it is an obligation . '


  10. How do you , how do you , do you feel different ? Do you feel an obligation to act differently ?
