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  • 网络东华盛顿大学;美国东华盛顿大学;欧洲货币联盟;联盟
  1. Finally , the most important reason for dynamically generating EWU values is data center automation .


  2. Here is an example of the EWU value calculation using AIX commands and syntax


  3. This requires a mechanism that will generate the same EWU value across heterogeneous platforms .


  4. The EWU value translated into the desired output counting base and number of output characters .


  5. Using the previously generated CRC cksum value , calculate the EWU value


  6. An EWU identifier is any parameter that has a single unique value across the entire enterprise .


  7. The best solution is to not use spreadsheets or databases for mapping EWU values to critical configuration parameters .


  8. By generating the EWU value , the need for maintaining spreadsheets and databases is eliminated .


  9. Here is an explanation of the components of the EWU value calculation using the CRC cksum command


  10. The best solution is to dynamically generate the EWU value on an as-needed basis from the critical configuration parameter .


  11. One problem experienced by most systems administrators when attempting to implement EWU identifiers is how to track and document them .


  12. A script for generating the EWU value should be written as a function and included in an organization 's standard set of shell functions .


  13. If a shell script is used to generate the EWU value , then it must be able to accept any given input string of characters .


  14. Although compiled programs are generally much faster than scripts , speed is not the primary concern when creating a mechanism for generating EWU values .


  15. A necessity for designing and deploying large environments is to ensure that critical configuration parameters have Enterprise-Wide unique ( EWU ) identifiers .


  16. A command-line option is provided to minimize the output record to only display the EWU value for each character string provided on the command line .


  17. Another benefit of using a standardized mechanism of generating EWU values is that it eliminates the need for storing these values in spreadsheets or databases .


  18. The proportion of actual EWR of the Haihe River during 1999-2002 revealed that the EWU has not been satisfied .


  19. The reason for using a shell script is to be able to consistently generate the same EWU identifier value for any given string on any UNIX system .


  20. This enables systems administrators to easily incorporate this function into their shell scripts and ensure EWU values are being generated in a consistent and repeatable manner .


  21. The reasons for using a script mechanism , such as mkewuid , to generate EWU values are numerous and important for the operation and management of a modern data center environment .


  22. EWU identifiers are required to eliminate the occurrence of duplicate values that will interrupt and delay the processes of disaster recovery , high availability , and virtualization .


  23. Considering the coordination with the social economic development of the Haihe area , the reasonable proportion of Haihe EWU should be maintained within threshold value of 16 % ~ 46 % .


  24. Designing these resources with EWU values eliminates the possibility of conflict during automated or manual fail-overs , high-availability operations , and disaster-recovery testing or implementation .


  25. In normal usage , this script function would normally be called from a shell script written by a systems administrator , and used to calculate an EWU value for a single character string .


  26. The previous technique will generate a unique identifier for any user-supplied character string ; however , it is somewhat cumbersome to issue this list of commands every time an EWU value is needed .


  27. Rapid identification of areas suffering serious Eco-environmental Water Deficit ( EWD ) and dynamic assessment of Eco-environmental Water Use ( EWU ) are of significance to ecological construction and sustainable utilization of water resources in a catchment .
