- v.使反(翻)转,使外翻
- evert的现在分词

A clinical comparative study on mattress suture and everting mattress suture in aortic valve replacement
A study of everting mucosa and seromuscular suture in gastroenterostomy
Conclusion : Everting rectal resection , colorectal or colon-anal anastomosis is feasible for the treatment of lower rectal carcinoma .
Everting Rectal Resection , Colorectal or Colon-anal Anastomosis in the Treatment of Lower Rectal Carcinoma : A Report of 28 Cases
256 cases of gastroenterostomy , choledochoenterostomy and enteroenterostomy using the everting mucosa suture were compared with 318 cases using the Albert-Lambert suture .
METHOD : The results of three operational methods , simple everting anastomosis , stoma vessel-placed anastomosis and stoma vessel-placed plus choledochus implanted anastomosis , have been compared and evaluated .
The vaginal stump was sutured in two layers , including the everting suture of the vaginal mucosal margin , and the inverting suture of the capular muscular layer .
METHODS Arc needle was used in the surgical treatment of 228 patients with posterior urethral stricture . Complete excision of scar tissue was accomplished , and an end to end anastomosis of the urethra with everting suture was performed with arc needle .