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  1. Eni of Italy could also restore production from the offshore fields relatively quickly too .


  2. Executives said the losses could be higher if the undisclosed shutdowns from Eni were included .


  3. The Research on the Problems of ENI 's Legislative Protection in China


  4. The paper has researched the structure and implementation of Embedded Network Instrument ( ENI ) .


  5. In this paper , the structural principle of Eni is briefly dealt with .


  6. Several famous Italian company groups like Fiat , Montedifon and ENI already have significant investment in China .


  7. Further , the paper introduces real time operating system uC / OS - II to the Microcontroller to improve ENI real time performance .


  8. Patterns of relapse and results of withholding elective neck irradiation ( eni ) for nasopharyngeal carcinoma


  9. Since the unrest , Eni has roughly halved it operations in Libya .


  10. Ahead of the revolution last year , Eni was generating 15 % of its total output from Libyan wells .


  11. Adjusted Eni was 51 cents per share , above analyst forecasts of 41 cents per share .


  12. He adds that he is pleased Eni will not be running the second phase of the project on its own .


  13. Rivals blame Eni for badly managing the project , which is seen as one of the industry 's toughest .


  14. Chapter 3 : Illuminating the mechanic structure designing of the measurement system , particularly discussing the temperature control structure and the ENI design of the system .


  15. Eni said that none of its oil installations have been attacked and that only some were offline .


  16. Industry sources said Eni had agreed to share assets with Gazprom " in a North African country , probably Libya " .


  17. ENI is the biggest international energy company in Libya , and it was hammered by the country 's political instability in 2013 .


  18. The only prominent counter-example is Saipem of Italy , 43 per cent owned by Eni .


  19. I can almost guarantee that both firms would give up or at least downplay Eni were they to have more relevant / standardized GAAP rules .


  20. But Eni was rewarded for its loyalty in 2007 when it entered into a massive 10-year $ 28 billion investment deal with Libya .


  21. Vietnam had already begun exploring the area and had signed deals with Italy 's Eni SpA and Exxon Mobil Corp. to explore there .


  22. The second phase of the project , which is led by Eni of Italy , will be delayed until 2019 , three yeas later than currently envisaged .


  23. The move echoes a similar initiative from Italy 's biggest oil group , ENI , which told its staff earlier this month they need not wear a tie at work .


  24. So it is no surprise that when asked , on the flight back from Tripoli , Mr Scaroni names growth as his single most important objective for Eni .


  25. Italy has long been a close trading partner of Libya , and its energy firm Eni ( E ) is one of the largest producers of oil in Libya .


  26. Statoil and Italy 's Eni have also signed partnerships with Rosneft to help search for the vast energy resources thought to exist in Russia 's remote Arctic areas .


  27. No one is more aware of how important Libya is to the world oil markets than Paolo Scaroni , the chief executive of the Italian oil giant Eni ( E ) .


  28. BP , shell and Eni say they still consider the concession deals to be subject to force majeure code for unexpected and disruptive events that prevent contractual obligations from being met .


  29. The deal sets out the new terms under which Eni will retain access to its most important oil patch , one it clung to for 44 years despite the threat of retaliatory US sanctions .


  30. The price tag for the four oilfields and a key pipeline co-owned by Shell , Total of France and Eni of Italy has doubled since initial estimates towards the end of last year .
