
美 [ˈɛfɪdʒiz]英 [ˈɛfɪdʒiz]
  • n.(名人、圣人或神的)雕像,塑像;(丑化人的)模拟像,画像
  • effigy的复数



  • 1
    N-COUNT (丑化憎恶之人的)仿真像,模拟像
    An effigy is a quickly and roughly made figure, often ugly or amusing, that represents someone you hate or feel contempt for.

  • 2
    N-COUNT (名人)雕像,塑像
    An effigy is a statue or carving of a famous person.

  1. On 5 November British children burn effigies of Guy Fawkes .


  2. When the high school team lost the championship game , the coach was hung In effigy by the people .


  3. The demonstrators burned a crude effigy of the president .


  4. stone effigies in the church


  5. Seldom does a day go by when I 'm not burned in effigy .


  6. There the effigy stands , and stares from age to age across the changing ocean .


  7. The king was burned in effigy by the angry mob .


  8. I saw this dead , naked effigy of himself hanging from the ceiling .


  9. Some protesters are burning effigies of President Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice .


  10. Burn a person in effigy .


  11. Effigy Sculpture of Historical Ponder


  12. The coin bears an effigy of Lincoln ; the emperor 's tomb had his image carved in stone .


  13. From the Middle Ages stories were told of wise men who could bring clay effigies to life by means of magic charms or sacred words .


  14. Thus did mere businessmen enter the ranks of great leaders , warriors , philosophers and poets , achieving immortality in an effigy .


  15. Chicago bosses were hanged in effigy .


  16. A wooden effigy of a Native American holding a cluster of cigars , formerly used as the emblem of a tobacconist .


  17. ( British ) an effigy of Guy Fawkes that is burned on a bonfire on Guy Fawkes Day .


  18. I got Bs , for your information , and to this day , every Sunday I burn a small effigy to the pagan Gods of grade inflation .


  19. A coin with her effigy on it .


  20. The fire roared and crackled , and a great cheer went up as the flames began to lick the effigy of the Pope .


  21. Few protesters are burning senators in effigy , as they were a century ago , and a voluntary armistice between the two parties seems an even more remote prospect than that .


  22. To the Greeks the plastic effigy commemorates a human being that lived ; to the Egyptians it is a body that waits to be re-enlivened .


  23. When this book was written to the 17 century , a new phenomenon appeared on China 's painting world , that is the drawing of China 's objects by western churchmen , which also including a lot of effigies .


  24. It was not a Napoleon ; it was one of those perfectly new twenty-franc pieces of the Restoration , on whose effigy the little Prussian queue had replaced the laurel wreath .


  25. While Star Wars characters are depicted in colour on the reverse of the new coins , a traditional effigy of the Queen by the sculptor Raphael Maklouf dominates the obverse .


  26. A very picturesque view of an old triumphal arch and the pine-tree-studded hill on the other side of the brook , was obtained from a hall in which stood a dust-covered effigy of an old school god .


  27. The Lady Dowager 's gift was a purse containing a small golden effigy of the God of Learning symbolizing literary talent and harmony . letter ( and sets there of ), of base metal ( excl. printers ' and typewriter type )


  28. The man who had broken off the head of the Black Dragon 's effigy ( the god is worshipped in a human-looking form , as shown in the picture above ) had his head blown off when a factory boiler exploded .


  29. What prompted him to these exercises was something very similar to that warning voice of his daimonion : an Apollinian perception that , like a barbarian king , he had failed to comprehend the nature of a divine effigy , and was in danger of offending his own god through ignorance .
