
美 [ɪˈfɛktɪvz]英 [ɪˈfɛktɪvz]
  • 网络有效性;有生力量
  1. We must try our best to consume enemy effectives .


  2. We must first of all destroy the enemy effectives .


  3. Recognize the effectives of physics experiment teaching in new curriculum from a new perspective


  4. Henry Black : Well , I think the problem is effectives .


  5. Always be willing to learn a new skill to increase your personal effectives .


  6. Manage and monitor the utilization and effectives of operation .


  7. On the Literary Orientation of Ancient Court Verdict and its Possible Effectives


  8. Distribution-determined Effectives on the Value of Intellectual Labor Force and its Model


  9. Normal water retrieval and utilization is one of the effectives way of solving the crisis of water resource of our country .


  10. Good effectives on the control of major insect pests have been achieved by releasing natural enemies .


  11. The therapeutic effectives , postoperative recovery and complications were compared between Group LA and Group OA .


  12. The article emphasizes on the positive effectives and realizing conditions of Exchange for Physicals .


  13. Target assignment is a very difficult problem for maximizing the jamming effectives in radar jamming task .


  14. Factors affecting soil content of effectives content mainly include soil total S , soil O. M , soil type and soil texture etc.


  15. Therefore , effectives measures should be taken to revise the content of legal education in the textbook of Ideology Morality .


  16. Introduce the competition day of EU and an empirical assessment method to discuss the approaches of improving the effectives of competition policy enforcement .


  17. Fiberoptic bronchoscope is used on combination with microwave therapy to increase the effectives of treatment of patients suffering from lung cancer in clinical .


  18. BY Series re-compounded with SOPA can obviously increase wetting effectives of pesticide .


  19. In present phase , digital visual character is embodied by 1 . Regularity . 2 . Complex Effectives . 3 . Fictitious Reality .


  20. This paper introduces comprehension on how to plot the process of monitor and survey , emphasizes how to improve the effectives of the process of monitor and survey .


  21. Methods Establish a model of health education and service for the multiple styles of education to Community population , and finally , make out evaluation to effectives by a questionnaire investigation .


  22. The predication process show the advantage of replacing current sensor brought small investment and good effectives , big output power , and also the application on site proved its feasibility .


  23. When use gradient-type channel , the ionization zone broaden seriously and shows a bimodal character ; the wall of electronics ' cooling effectives is enhanced .


  24. In general , the effectives of internal control and corporate value are positive correlated and the trend is strengthening year by year , with the deepening of reform and standardization of the securities market .


  25. The analysis processing is concise and universal , and its physicals meaning is clear . The article emphasizes on the positive effectives and realizing conditions of Exchange for Physicals .


  26. Some countries have great study effectives in doing experiments on m-learning applied classroom teaching ; m-learning in foreign countries has penetrated in primary schools , middle schools , universities and so on .


  27. Based on the resistant to shearing of fourteen reinforced concrete beams , the effectives of the shear property and designing method of strengthening are studied for the RC beams strengthened with advanced glass-fiber composites .


  28. GPON network technology is a new generation of integrated broadband passive optical access technology . There are not only high bandwidth , effectives , large coverage and rich user interfaces for GPON , but also can carry more sophisticated data .


  29. In the meantime , because of low market effectives and the correlation of daily returns are high , after the launch of stock index futures , the increasing of information dissemination velocity and efficiency has improved all market effectiveness globally to different extent .


  30. Military psychological operations ( PSYOPS ) was defined as the means in which some effective information stimulus could pass to enemy personnel by some specifically information medium to cause their decaying will , confused thinking , unadvisable decision-making and degressive battle effectives .
