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  • 网络埃比尼泽
  1. And , ' Good evening , uncle Ebenezer , ' said I.


  2. It was twelve o'clock when we knocked on Ebenezer 's front door .


  3. At one point in Charles Dickens 's A Christmas Carol , Ebenezer Scrooge dismisses a ghostly encounter as being just as likely from the crumb1 of cheese he had before bed .


  4. Ebenezer Scrooge is the main character of the story .


  5. Formally registered as the Ebenezer School and Home for the Blind under the Education Ordinance .


  6. After Ebenezer had thought about it , he decided to do what Alan wanted .


  7. Of all the Biblical names the most interesting is Ebenezer .


  8. LIKE Ebenezer Scrooge , the markets are being haunted by the Ghost of Crises Past .


  9. Do you , Ebenezer Scrooge , recognize my chain ?


  10. Ebenezer found himself in his bedroom .


  11. The garden city theory developed by Ebenezer howard , a nineteenth century British social reformer , deals with city planning as well as social reformation .


  12. Some people seemed surprised , some afraid , and some angry , when I spoke the name of Ebenezer Balfour .


  13. Bill and I thought that Ebenezer would pay a ransom of two thousand dollars to get his boy back . But wait till I tell you .


  14. Scrooge moved slowly towards it , and following the finger , read on the stone his own name , EBENEZER SCROOGE .


  15. An old man there says he hears Summit is all worried because of Ebenezer Dorset 's boy having been lost or stolen .


  16. Ebenezer Scrooge was a demon for work - he worked even on the day of the funeral of his partner , Marley .


  17. A Preliminary Study on the Green Space System Planning of Beijing and Its Relation to the 2008 Olympic Games ; New towns movement in Britain is originated from Ebenezer Howard 's Garden City .


  18. Black is the heart of Ebenezer Balfour ! Ye can tell him from me that I hope to see him die , and his house fall down around him !


  19. Hundreds are gathering today at Ebenezer Baptist Church , the newly relocated church of reverent Martin Luther King Jr. out of the civil rights leader .


  20. While it 's tempting to bring forth your Ebenezer Scrooge , remember that the holiday spirit is more about investing in and valuing relationships than spending on an expensive party .


  21. Well , I think it was a bad mistake . What happened was that your parents were always very poor , and Ebenezer became more and more interested in money . He never married , of course . '


  22. Ebenezer Norton Horsford , a19th-century baking-powder entrepreneur with a passion for amateur archaeology of the most poetic sort , is responsible for the marker .


  23. No , I think that we should leave Ebenezer at Shaws , where he 's been for twenty-five years , and ask him to pay you some money every year , instead of giving you the house .


  24. With the 50th anniversary of March on Washington in a war on poverty fleshing its congregations ' mind , Ebenezer Senior Pastor Raphael Warnock used the pulpit to push for tighter gun control laws .


  25. Davie , ' he had said , ' when I am dead , take this to the house of Shaws , near Cramond . That 's where I came from , and that 's where you must go . Put this letter into the hands of Ebenezer Balfour . '


  26. Consider Robb Stark , who throughout the second season leans heavily on a web of contractual dependencies , most notably to Lord Walder Frey , an Ebenezer Scrooge lookalike who controls the only land access between Robb 's kingdom in the north and the fighting in the south . Frey can scissor Robb 's supply lines at will .
