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  • abbr.(EARM)东盎格利亚铁路博物馆(East Anglian Railway Museum)
  • n.<古英语>手臂;武器;扶手
  • adj.<古英语>贫穷的;可怜的,不幸的;痛苦的;糟糕的,差劲的
  1. Based on the technological characters of emulsified asphalt recycled mixture ( EARM ) and cement-emulsified asphalt recycled mixture ( CEARM ), this paper analyzed its composition structure and studied its mechanism of strength .


  2. To solve the problem of efficiency bottleneck of Apriori - like algorithm , we propose a high-efficient association rule mining algorithm , namely EARM ( Efficient Association Rule Mining ) algorithm via further study of association rule mining and typical Apriori algorithm .
