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  • adj.程序;<古>冷酷的,苛刻的
  1. This proce - dure has advantages in easily regenerating plants with relatively high frequency via a somatic embryogenesis pathway .


  2. Some changes and improvement have been made on the three-axis digitalized milling machine and the processing proce - dure .


  3. METHODS : The2prescription regulatory regimes were analyzed in terms of law , standard operating proce ˉ dure of drug dispensing .


  4. The concept of equivalent electromotive force is introduced based on Kirchhoff Law and a new method to solve complicated circuits is found which can simplify the solving proce - dure .


  5. Methods : Heterogeneous dure or sclera were applied in the surgery as support material , the27case ( 49eyes ) of surgical eyes compared with the control group .


  6. This work analyzes in detail working principles and characteristics of a brushless exciter system of a seperate excitation rotary transformer . It presents control proce - dure and excitation protection .


  7. Although the accuracy of the Constant volume method may be identical with the original Lane-Eynon proce - dure , but the standard deviation of the former is lower than the latter .


  8. The article analysed the basic principle of electro-optical framing technique in application to the pulse holography . It reviewed and calculated the controllable proce . dure of exposure system and presented main device data .


  9. The distribution of W-1 cycle primary gray rock trending in EW direction was localized and its east end extends to Dure which area is one of the promising propective area .


  10. A whole procuratorial power should involves several power as learning the truth and investigation , decision of case proce - dure , rectify illegal act and prosecuted for responsibility and preventive advise .


  11. In order to improve the efficiency of document clustering , we give a improved method based on signal / noise ratio . In the proce - dure , term weight equation is changed and we refined text classification .


  12. Compared with others , this method has advantages of high yield , easy purification of product and simple proc - dure and is particularly fit for the synthesis of small amount of MTBE which some medical researches need .


  13. The risk assessment for epoxyethane / glycol plant of Maoming Petrochemical Ethylene Industrial Com ˉ pany was carried out by utilized the risk assessment proce ˉ dure of risk index method of fire and explosion of Dow Chemical Company , and improvement measures are sug ˉ gested .
