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down bad

down baddown bad
  1. Way of lowering down bad inventory in mining company


  2. [ Conclusion ] Noise exposures should cut down bad hobbies , and reinforce personal protection .


  3. It is key important how to lowering down bad inventory , activate assets storage in order to improve economic efficiency .


  4. He took whatever 's in your heart that lets you jump off buildings and take down bad guys .


  5. Markets were supposed to shut down bad ideas in a gradual evolutionary process ; what happened in 2008 was more like a mass extinction .


  6. We suggest that doctors should ask about patient medical history and the history of drug allergy before prescribing in order to out down bad reaction .


  7. Numerous studies have suggested that not only is sitting down bad for posture it is positively bad for your health and could even be an upholstered way to a early grave .


  8. This time , America has been much quicker than Japan to write down bad loans , inject new capital into its banks , embrace a large fiscal stimulus , and adopt the so-called quantitative easing tactics of monetary policy .


  9. The failure was set down to bad planning .


  10. I set down his bad temper to his poor health .


  11. Research shows that use cognitive strategies can slow down the bad influence to people anxiety .


  12. His failure is down to bad luck .


  13. Remediation nausea irrigation , irrigation crack down on bad information and malicious ads ;


  14. Initial indications are the plane mave have gone down in bad weather .


  15. righting wrongs , taking down the bad guys ,


  16. The three partners were lining a long and narrow poling boat down a bad stretch of rapids on the Forty Mile Creek .


  17. His wife said that as the clouds lifted after his Iraq service , he would playfully point a gun at the television and pretend to shoot down the bad guys .


  18. Click through to see which Fortune 500 companies suffered the biggest losses ( counting down from bad to worst ) , based on their performances as of the close on Dec. 9 .


  19. Meanwhile , there 's a different shark that 's about 40-feet long ( the whale shark ) . You 're probably looking at needing at least 150 Isaiahs to take down that bad boy .


  20. Only one member of the other family had the same gene . When the participants were given pure cream to drink , it was found that those with the ' cream gene ' broke down the bad fats far more efficiently .


  21. She is down with a bad cold .


  22. Peter came down with a bad cold .


  23. After being in the rain , Tom was taken down with a bad cold .


  24. She was crushed down by the bad news .


  25. We jogged up and down along the bad roads on the old bus .


  26. He must have come down with a bad cold , for he has got a sore throat .


  27. It says that a person 's consumption and the consumption of a pet down is not bad ah !


  28. In the past people may have put you down , talked bad about you , and said terrible things to you .


  29. Our holiday was fine until Jim went down with a bad cold after that it all got rather dull .


  30. Carl tried to get himself up , but he had been thrown down on his bad leg .
