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  • 网络日本第一工业制药株式会社;多空线;株式会社;过程计算机
  1. On the DKS Technique of Experts System for the Automatic Words Segmentation in Written Chinese


  2. If DKs take too much damage now , we can fix that .


  3. Partially to counter this attitude , we gave the DKs a lot of different tools to handle different situations .


  4. We want DKs to be a melee class with some ranged abilities , not a ranged class .


  5. Also , you aren 't going to see any PvP DKs for a long time , so we need to focus on paladins for now .


  6. There is a similar discussion going on for DKs about at what point they can stop using Scourge Strike and just use Obliterate instead .


  7. In1990 , the joint Swedish-Danish DKs group was formed to define the requirements for a complete geodetic network dedicated to the0 resund project .


  8. Say we gave DKs a talent that allowed Icy Talons to apply to the whole raid , but it didn 't stack with WF .


  9. We might eventually decide to no longer make tanking weapons ( since druids and DKs don 't really have them ) but we 're still doing it for now .


  10. Our goals were to make armor pen slightly more valuable to Unholy DKs and just make Scourge Strike and Reaping valuable to Unholy DKs .


  11. Personally when I make a joke about DKs being OP , I am alluding to the the fact that they were OP , particularly right after we shipped .


  12. Furthermore , why aren 't warriors stepping aside for druids on those fights where they are currently ( in3.1 I mean ) stepping aside for DKs ?


  13. We could offer a talent or glyph ( or something ) that lowers the cooldown of Outbreak for instance , without turning Blood DKs into a spec that can play optimally by pushing nothing but Death Strike .
