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  • 网络中国政法大学
  1. In order to find out the present condition of Legal English Teaching , a case study is conducted in CUPL .


  2. Ding Yong , a 21-year-old junior in law at China University of Political Science and Law ( CUPL ) .


  3. Take China University of Political Science and Law ( CUPL ) as an example , which has started to implement the new schedule from this month .


  4. Then the method of using GAL to design the eight bit binary reversible synchronous counter and a kind of logic design software & CUPL language are also introduced .


  5. Chen Jing , a consultant at the CUPL psychological consultation office , warns that intense study over short periods of time can lead to an immune system malfunction , or to a psychological disorder .


  6. Lu Chunlong , director of the dean 's office at CUPL , told The Beijing News that during summer terms students would be able to take classes in other subjects . They are also encouraged to join courses in the form of social practice and internships .
