
美 [ˈdɪsloʊkeɪts]英 [ˈdɪsləkeɪts]
  • v.使(骨头)脱位;使脱臼;使混乱;扰乱(制度、计划等);使运转不正常
  • dislocate的第三人称单数



  • 1
    VERB 使(骨头、关节)脱位;使脱臼
    If you dislocate a bone or joint in your body, or in someone else's body, it moves out of its proper position in relation to other bones, usually in an accident.

    Harrison dislocated a finger...


  • 2
    VERB 扰乱(制度、进程、生活方式等);使混乱;使运转不正常
    To dislocate something such as a system, process, or way of life means to disturb it greatly or prevent it from continuing as normal.

    It would help to end illiteracy and disease, but it would also dislocate a traditional way of life...


  1. The algorithm dislocates the explicit request from any specific revision ; they destroy the feedback required and are not suitable .


  2. The position of the hip such as adduction , flexion and rotation at the time of impact determines the hip dislocates with or without the head and / or acetabulum fracture .


  3. He dislocates his arms to crawl through an unstrung tennis racquet . He performs contortion handstands and unique acrobatics .


  4. Reasons for imperfect tour guide knowledge include that the contents of tourism education and course training are not overall , tourists ' level on culture appreciation has been continually improved , tour guides ' service aim dislocates with invigorating mechanism , and so on .
