- adj.训练的;惩罚的;风纪的

Study on the disciplinal construction in sport colleges
To the Mental and Disciplinal Research of the Basketball Athlete Penalty Ability
Correlative study of individual differences of new army recruits with psychological factors of military disciplinal injury
The construction of disciplinal mechanism of faith-breaking is an important part on the establishment of legal system of social credit management .
This paper expatiates on the subjects of disciplinal cultural construction and aims to be great use to the futher disciplinal cultural construction .
The teacher 's action was corrective rather than instructional ; disciplinal measures ; the mother was stern and disciplinary .
Any mature theory system or discipline has its study method fitting for its disciplinal feature and content , as the basic means and tool of the theory and discipline study .
The article discusses the honor system from five aspects : honor code , honor pledge , honor committee , disciplinal system , and propagandistic method .
Lanzhou State Region Parts of Primary and Junior High School Proceeding Putting 《 in Document in Leading Football Train Outline 》 Amateur Disciplinal of Develop Possibility Research
Sport universities nowadays should have the three major functions of cultivating the talents , carrying out the scientific research and serving the society , which based on the disciplinal construction .
Parents ' supportive parenting behavior is positive correlated with their parenting locus of control , while disciplinal and spoiling behaviors is negative correlated with it .
This paper explains the importance of constructing on key disciplinal area of the literature information resources , the key disciplinal is built and builds content , way and means to serve , etc.
In order to nurture advanced practical undergraduates with international background , three relations should be grasped-practicality and all-round development , knowledge teaching and skills developing , disciplinal and vocational demands .
The conciliation of civil execution is the behavior of the concerned parties that they disciplinal their own civil and lawsuit right , and also the complete expression of their autonomy .