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  • 网络事实上;事实;事实上的;实际上;实际上的
  1. because they are an example of diplomatic relations between states of defacto equal power .


  2. I once became the defacto President of a club without being a member first .


  3. The dramatic development of Internet makes IP technology defacto standard and an open system platform in the computer network application environment .


  4. Dominated by instrumental nous , science and technology is facing a defacto crisis .


  5. GML has become the defacto international standard for spatial data encoding , transmitting , storing and distributing ;


  6. It makes it so easy that it almost becomes a defacto open storage format in the language . ( Wikipedia )


  7. The Georgian government , nonetheless , met in emergency session and called the Russian action part of a defacto annexation process violating international law .


  8. A single web service can only do single job , a series of web service can accomplish defacto business affairs , so web service composition becomes the core of web service .


  9. In Network field , because of its design simplicity and easy implementation Simple Network Mangement Protocol ( SNMP ) is supported by many enterprises and has been defacto industrial standard .


  10. Carried out by setting defacto pancreas , intestine and large observation and measurement of ascites volume , collecting blood , thoracic duct lymph drainage and tissue samples .


  11. Unfortunately , HTTP is the defacto standard protocol for client-server communication , and it is a stateless and , in a sense , unidirectional protocol .


  12. In actuality , they were defacto independent , and the interaction belween the Jin , the Song , and the Western Xia is of interest to historians of diplomacy


  13. But a single cross-platform , cross-service standard ratified by the W3C will mean that many more sites and services will be able to kill the password as the defacto login method .


  14. The objective of this thesis is to review the theory in existence , summarize the rule of the reverse logistics operation in business combined with the excellent cases . Enterprises H.323 will continue to be the defacto VoIP standard for a long time .


  15. Baird is among the latest in a string of foreign envoys to make an appearance in the rebel 's defacto capital , and he used his visit to stress Ottawa 's solidarity with the anti-Gadhafi cause .


  16. will be a defacto laptop with the addition of new cases with integrated keyboards and batteries and could well become a mainstay for high schools and college students who need better content creation tools than thos offers on existing iPads and iPad Minis .
