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  1. Four years later , DEFA produced even groovier and loonier entertainment .


  2. DEFA group was established in 1946 , with headquarter situated outside Oslo , capital of Norway .


  3. Zhao Defa thinks the fact of the peasants'lives reflects the living history and the transferring history of the views in one hundred years .


  4. In East Germany , the state-run studio DEFA produced seven movies in this mode , two of which appear in the series .


  5. However , the cost is about two times as high as its American counterpart due to lack of efficiency , said Li Defa , professor of Animal Science and Technology College of China Agriculture University .


  6. Zhao Defa 's trilogy on Chinese peasant conveys his worry and sympathy about the peasant fate , displays his persevering pursuit of humanism spirit .


  7. Researchers at home and abroad such as Rod Ellis , Wen Qiufang and Xiao Defa have already carried out researches on the effect of the affective factors on foreign language learning .


  8. We can take the " Native novels " of Zhang Wei , Zhao Defa and Li Guantong for examples and we find that " native society " has different mental belongings .


  9. The open reading frame of DEFA 5 obtained by PCR was composed of 303 bp ( restrictive site 12 bp , protective base 6 bp , terminator 3 bp , and coding sequence of HD-5 282 bp ) .
