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  • adj.杜尔;(德)大调的,大音价的
  1. Topology is dynamic dur - ing operation of computer network .


  2. Blood Gas Analysis of Umbilical Artery Dur in g Cord Entanglement


  3. Changes in the chemical composition dur in g milk ultrafiltration


  4. There he found everything arranged in dur order .


  5. More and more enterprises with the development of internationalization are going to the world market , dur -


  6. Simulation of the LPG component changes dur in g the spontaneous vaporization


  7. Planetary Wave Activity Dur in g Stratospheric Sudden Warm in g


  8. Dur - ing the data store process , index optimization makes XMAS have good performance on data retrieval .


  9. A marked decrease of endogenous NO has been found dur in g lung transplantation .


  10. On the Legal Status of Corporations Dur in g Liquidation Discussion on Frameworks of Corporate Liquidation System


  11. Cyclic variations of surface structure in the human oviductal epithelium dur in g the menstrual cycle


  12. These products could be used for every part of small-middle hot blast stove dur to their excellent physical and chemical properties .


  13. The detecting system of vibration signal is established dur in g milling process and introduced the whole experiment process of using vibration signal in tool breakage .


  14. OBJECTIVE : To establish drug utilization review ( DUR ) procedure suitable for patients with malignant lymphoma ( ML ) in our hospital .


  15. Studies were made on the transformation of coal particles dur in g combustion in pre combustion chamber of pulverized coal fired boiler .


  16. It would also keep her warm , for the desert was as cold at night as it was hot dur ¬ ing the day .


  17. These products could be used for every part of hot blast stove dur to their steady volume , low creeping and well thermal shock resistance properties .


  18. Dur - ing the shoot primordium formed , a positive correlation between the starch accumulation and primordium formation could be obtained .


  19. Methods : The use of the oral cardiovascular drugs in the department was analyzed in terms of DDDs , DUI and DUR .


  20. There s ~ n to be certain aws action between infection dur ~ ionand co-culture duration .


  21. Objective : To measure the amplitude of right atrial f-wave and evaluate the feasibility of atrial lead implantation dur - ing atrial fibrillation .


  22. On the basis of describing the concept and main contents of hospital quality assurance ( HQA ), the status and role of DUR in HQA system is analyzed .


  23. When the Co B / SiO 2 amorphous catalyst underwent the heating treatment , its activity and selectivity to CMO decreased considerably dur to the crystallization .


  24. First , there are those who have a stable job , known as a CDI ( contrat à dur é e ind é termin é e ) ;


  25. The realization of Tianjin 's full-scale development and the leap of economic growth demand new economy developing pattern . Developing modern logistic industry then becomes a major step dur - ing this important strategic transformation .


  26. Dur to this dynamic library file , the API interface having nothing to do with the ptz protocols were provided to facilitate the application function call and the development or maintenance of programmers .


  27. On the contrary , dur - ing the spring and summer prior to the mature La Nina , the atmospheric 30 ~ 60 low-frequency oscillation in the western Pacific is weak .


  28. The effecting factors on the diamter of rifampicin ( RFP ) gelatin microsphere dur - ing preparation were studied by orthogonal method . Optimum technological conditions for this gelatin microsphere preparation were proposed .


  29. Here in that ghostly expanse of seafloor 350 miles off Newfoundland , the people who died dur - ing the frigid early hours of April 15,1912 , spoke to me again .


  30. DUR is limited by the consumption of new arrival drugs at the beginning . With the development of market economy , structural variety of drugs consumption , and institutional reformation in hygiene medical treatment , the DUR gets social widespread concern .
