death masks

美 [deθ mæsks]英 [deθ mɑːsks]
  • n.(用柔软物质压在死人脸上,变硬后取出制成的)死人面部模型
  • death mask的复数
death masksdeath masks

death masks


  • 1
    N-COUNT 死者的面模;模制遗容
    A death mask is a model of someone's face, which is made from a mould that was taken of their face soon after they died.

  1. She and her group at MIT later created three series of death masks in collaboration with 3D-printing company Stratasys that integrate data to create visually stunning designs . 6 .


  2. Locks of hair cut from the dead were arranged and worn in lockets and rings , death masks were created in wax , and the images and symbols of death appeared in paintings and sculptures .
