Korean masque ; literary characteristic ; carrier ; aesthetic reception ; aesthetic function ; art style .
Hydrating masque is one of the most direct water means .
A Masque of Reason is a poetic drama of Robert Frost .
They first met at a masque when both were in funny costumes .
On the Application of " Unified Effects " Theory by Ellen Poe in The Masque of the Red Death
He instructed them thoroughly in how to conduct themselves inside the masque .
I feel that my face is getting dehydrated , should I try the " cucumber masque "?
A unique face masque containing Siberian Ginseng & Lemongrass renowned for their tightening properties .
The manufacturing procedure of squeezing dye from a tube and making shape by a knife is his exciting movements of a sword dance and a masque dance .
The fourth chapter analyzes the correspondence between The Magus and The Tempest in terms of the island setting , the masque and the structure of romance .
They wear a masque , they cover their eyes , they wear a gown that is water impermeable , so that no fluids can affect that hospital workers .
Dai Xiang has no intention to simply tab the Lei Feng symbol into Political Pop art , or to reprimand or ridicule the history under a heroic masque .
Then wilt thou speak of banqueting delights , Of masques and revels which sweet youth did make , Of tourneys and great challenges of knights , And all these triumphs for thy beauty 's sake . When thou hast told these honors done to thee , Then tell , O !
How well I remember the graceful draperies that enfolded me , the bright autumn leaves that wreathed my head , and the fruit and grain at my feet and in my hands , and beneath all the gaiety of the masque the oppressive sense of coming ill that made my heart heavy .