- n.不速之客;破碎机;猛击

Looks like we got ourselves a wedding crasher .
Can combine with # 8137 booster beast or # 8138 phantom crasher to make two different ultimate racing vehicles !
Everyone would not crasher , red , yellow , white , purple , all sorts of flowers is like that of a large and beautiful flower bed .
We 've seen many inopportune photobombers crashing wedding shoots -- but never have we seen a crasher quite as scary as this bull .
It may be his muscularity that gets in the way or just the fact that he has dominated as a slasher and crasher for so many years that he never perfected it .
Nonlinear dynamics techniques , such as Poincare sections , bifurcation diagrams and the largest Lyapunov exponents , are employed to ascertain dynamics responses of a SDOF model of vibrating crasher with bilinear hysteresis .
This paper mainly discusses the type selection of the high voltage motor of fine crasher for a CFB boiler and the causes of burnt out fault , which provides a reference for the type selection of the driving motor of the crasher in future extension project .