- adj.(尤指录音或广播)吱吱啦啦的

It sounds a bit crackly at this end .
I could hear crackly sounds on both sides that told me that she was in congestive heart failure .
I turned on the radio but all I could hear was a crackly voice speaking a language I did not understand .
They waited for 10 minutes until a crackly voice told them over the intercom that the tower had been hit .
The radio was faint and crackly .
Those devices , coupled with the weak electrical insulation in aircrafts , created crackly interference for pilots , so they were quickly banned .
Their main concern was that the crackly output of the Delilah was too poor to be commercially acceptable , as indeed it was .
I like crunchy , brittle , crackly words , such as splinter , grapple , jostle , crusty .
Lubricant film under boundary lubrication condition is crackly . The rupture of lubricant film would make the friction pairs contact to each other directly , which will course extremely serious friction and wear .
The rules about using cellphones on planes date to the early ' 90s , when phones were the size of milk cartons . Those devices , coupled with the weak electrical insulation in aircrafts , created crackly interference for pilots , so they were quickly banned .
and the cocktails are mixed with a New Orleans level of theatricality.And yet it 's not all for show : The roaring fireplace doubles as a rotisserie and the food tends to be as delicious as it is beautiful - aged duck breast with crackly charred skin ;