
美 [ˌkaʊntər revəˈluːʃn]英 [ˌkaʊntə revəˈluːʃn]
  • n.反革命;反革命活动

复数: counter-revolutions



C U反革命;反革命活动
opposition to or violent action against a government that came to power as a result of a revolution, in order to destroy and replace it



  • 2
    N-COUNT 反革命
    A counter-revolution is a revolution that is intended to reverse the effects of a previous revolution.

    The consequences of the counter-revolution have been extremely bloody.


  • 3
    N-UNCOUNT 反革命活动
    You can refer to activities that are intended to reverse the effects of a previous revolution as counter-revolution .

    Such actions would be regarded as counter-revolution.


  1. This is the whole situation of revolution versus counter-revolution in China .


  2. This way the danger of counter-revolution can be reduced to a great extent .


  3. The counter-revolution cannot smash us ; On the contrary we shall smash it .


  4. And this will be to the advantage of counter-revolution , not of revolution .


  5. What they do not prove is that Iran is ripe for counter-revolution .


  6. For the total strength of the counter-revolution will thus be reduced and the total strength of the revolution increased . What is its main force ?


  7. In the struggle to uncover counter-revolution in the economic field , the prescribed scope of investigation was overstepped ;


  8. Literature consultation is employed in the thesis . The answers of the questions are achieved by reading the historical literature on crime of counter-revolution .


  9. Basically , these splits are unfavourable to the counter-revolution and favourable to the revolution .


  10. He went over to the counter-revolution .


  11. It makes the Tangent Sphere Method more simple by the coincidence of the horizontal plane of projection in counter-revolution with the vertical plane of projection .


  12. Having surveyed the situation with regard to both the counter-revolution and the revolution , we shall find it easy to define the Party 's tactical tasks .


  13. Comrades who suffer from revolutionary impetuosity overestimate the subjective forces of the revolution and underestimate the forces of the counter-revolution .


  14. This thesis discusses the process of birth , growth and death of the crime of counter-revolution , analyzes the background and reason , and tries to find out the the historical experience and lessons .


  15. This quiet demographic counter-revolution is a dramatic upsurge in intermarriage . The variables that were predictive of dementia in a statistically significant way became the basis of the tests .


  16. Therefore , some corresponding special functions are applied to the system , for example , the load test in the P-n system , measurement and evaluation of environmental pressure , judgement of working stroke and anti counter-revolution .


  17. But all these wars are instances of armed revolution fighting against armed counter-revolution , they are all revolutionary wars , and all exhibit the specific features and advantages of the Chinese revolution .


  18. In China the revolution will undoubtedly move towards a high tide more rapidly , for although the subjective forces of the revolution at present are weak , the forces of the counter-revolution are relatively weak too .


  19. When workers start being moved back into separate booths , and the office slide is replaced with a noticeboard bearing a list of staff instructions , you will know that the counter-revolution is well under way .


  20. The intermediate classes are bound to disintegrate quickly , some sections turning left to join the revolution , others turning right to join the counter-revolution ; there is no room for them to remain " independent " .


  21. They barred from the revolution those who had committed errors , drawing no distinction between the making of mistakes and counter-revolution , and went so far as to kill a number of people who were guilty only of mistakes .


  22. As in education , where traditionalists have staged a counter-revolution against the progressives , some academics are now questioning Montessori management 's basic assumptions & particularly its faith in free-flowing creativity , endless collaboration and all things open-plan .


  23. Dad , Where Are We Going ? seems to encourage China 's newest generation of parents to do that , too : launch a counter-revolution in Chinese parenting by refusing to coddle , pamper and overprotect their kids - or , at least , not to the degree that they themselves were coddled , pampered and overprotected .
