
美 [ˈkɑːpjuleɪtɪŋ]英 [ˈkɒpjuleɪtɪŋ]
  • v.交配;交媾;交尾;性交
  • copulate的现在分词



  • 1
    V-RECIP 性交;交配;交尾
    If one animal or person copulates with another, they have sex. You can also say that two animals or people copulate.

    During the time she is paired to a male, the female allows no other males to copulate with her...


  • ...acts of copulation.


  1. When the mature stallion without copulating smelled a mare , he will set a hot pursuit .


  2. During the time she is paired to a male , the female allows no other males to copulate with her


  3. The " F " Bomb The oldest theories trace the expletive-to-end-all-expletives back to Norwegian fukka and Swedish focka , both meaning " to copulate . "


  4. The male bird performs a sort of mating dance before copulating with the female


  5. If you guys are finished verbally copulating , we should get a move on .


  6. I would also like to tell the world that animals love . There 's not an animal on this planet that will copulate with anything that comes along .


  7. On assembling aspect , especially on Auto-assemble , it is to prevent interposition and conflict of copulate parts due to burr .


  8. The female and male adults may copulate for many times in their lives . 8 ∶ 00 and 16 ∶ 00 everyday are the time of copulated peak .


  9. The presence of the dominant stallion markedly reduces harassment from bachelor males , which might otherwise chase and attempt to copulate with the females .


  10. Adult females can copulate and lay eggs on the day of emergence , and they usually choose the2nd-3rd nymphs of the aphid to parasite .


  11. The intramedullary nail is mainly characterized by including a solid nail body , the upper section of which is an external screw thread rod and a copulate fixedly pressure-adding screw cap ;


  12. Conductor ′ s economic current density is one way to choice conductor ′ s section , who focus on economical , it is very complex to calculate and confirm the parameters because the economic current density is the copulate of technology and economy .


  13. - 6 o clock in the next morning after emergence , the adults begin to copulate , each copulation last 1.5-3 hours , and lay 40 or more eggs per female singly on the lower surfaces of apple leaves .


  14. The scientists said that " mate deprivation " was the most likely explanation for the unusual behaviour , after also considering the possibility that the male was learning to copulate or had failed to recognise that the deer was a member of another species .
