
美 [ˈkɔɪnɪdʒɪz]英 [ˈkɔɪnɪdʒɪz]
  • n.(某种)硬币;(国家的)货币制度;(统称某地或某时期的)金属货币;新词语的创造;新创的词语
  • coinage的复数
  1. We should make a difference between new word and coinages .


  2. Related coinages include e-juice , carto , and vaporium - as well as the retronym tobacco cigarette for traditional cigarettes .


  3. Social media were the source for many of the new coinages , though most were the kind of compounds that would have language purists clutching their pearls .


  4. In order to standardize and purify the use of the publication languages , GAPP also bans coinages with vague meanings in Chinese publications .


  5. This paper first introduces the four ways to originate the technical neologisms : old words with new meanings , new coinages , words formed by some rules , and the loan words .


  6. New coinages that reflect the latest wave of online political activism form a significant section of more than 300 new definitions in the database , which is a sister work to the Oxford English Dictionary .


  7. The power of soft news comes from its salient linguistic deviations such as the use of foreign words , coinages , idiomatic deviations , one-word metaphor , simultaneously alliterated-and-rhymed words , deviant narrative structure etc.


  8. It is true that language is a complicated social and cultural phenomenon , but there should be some restraint in coinages and usages because the abuse of a language will hinder the smooth communication of the people and the inheritance of their history and culture .
