- adj.头脑冷静的;沉着的

Headed bolts ; three-headed Cerberus ; a cool-headed fighter pilot .
The cool-headed reckoner is the stern chastiser of the ecstatic visionary .
She has a reputation for being calm and cool-headed .
He is cool-headed and able to assume several responsibilities when required .
But what the US – and Europe – needs is cool-headed pragmatism .
Martha is black , cool-headed and training to be a doctor .
Though Liu is notably cool-headed , the pressure on him will be enormous .
Whatever happens , you should keep cool-headed .
It takes the most cool-headed drivers great patience to give up the desire to beat back when forced to face rude driving .
The player , who surprisingly lost in the recent Cincinnati Masters , is cool-headed ahead of the Games .
Yet the alarming pictures on news bulletins and front pages are likely to militate against that cool-headed response .
Therefore , we should remain cool-headed towards technology and try to find out its nature of shield so as to free the world from frame of modernity .
Terminal minority patient can appear pigment is ad cool-headed , DiabeticWait for the expression of disease of redness of skin .
To fulfill the task , we need cool-headed thinking and testification on hot spots of realities and practice of the college ideological and political work .
Later , we may regret what we did , and wish we had remained cool-headed long enough to have thought more clearly and slowly about the consequences .
Most women in power , on the other hand , were less ruled by their libido and thus able to make more cool-headed judgments , she said .
Only with patience and a cool-headed mind can the deadlock over the multi-billion dollars proposals to build a sewage treatment plant be easily resolved .
It takes the most cool-headed and good-tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to revenge when subjected to uncivilized behavior .
My character is partial to the steady , when anything comes up cool-headed , suitable office job , the computing service ability is stronger , knows an office automation very well .
Study It is people is used at reading , the space of work of a kind of static state that write and learns , people requirement is concentration of cool-headed , attention , quiet .
Independence for small break-away provinces is one of the few subjects that turn Chinese diplomats from cool-headed calculators of national self-interest into brittle ideologues .
Boomy consumer behaviour makes recessions worse . The smoothie world is one where cool-headed and far-sighted consumers help smooth out booms and busts .
Cool-headed Francesca Goodby calmly talked her mum Kay , 28 , through the sudden birth after her waters broke in the family 's bathroom .
From then on , it dawned on this little child called Ike that he should always be cool-headed when facing the reality and playing every card in his hand as well as he can .
Result : The rate of cool-headed type in the group of psychological suggestion is obviously higher than the control group ( P < 0.01 ), dismay type leads obviously to be lower than the control group ( P > 0.05 ) .
By analyzing the second chapter in survival between women ; the reality of the situation of workers ( mainly from the fate of characters , emotional world , to analyze the identity ); ugly human nature reflects the three aspects of analysis of calm and cool-headed rational realism .
Afore-mentioned experience and hobby add the major of my ad cool-headed and sober disposition and Chinese character literature , formed me to handle affairs the working style that sedate and decisive , train of thought widens adroitly , the civil service that suits the office very much works .