continue to allow

美 [kənˈtɪnjuː tu əˈlaʊ]英 [kənˈtɪnjuː tu əˈlaʊ]
  • 继续准许(或听任)
continue to allowcontinue to allow
  1. I doubt the queen will continue to allow me to serve in the senate .


  2. Although it would continue to allow each group to govern their respective service collection independently , it would establish two different repositories .


  3. We are sorry for the incident , but hope that you will continue to allow us to serve you in the future .


  4. We are working hard to ensure that the new agreement will continue to allow for inspections and other mechanisms that allow us to build confidence .


  5. Terms and conditions of the policy response must continue to allow insurers to use their core skills to send risk-based price signals and manage risk .


  6. The plans from Australia and South Korea would continue to allow export financing for some of the projects the US-Japan plan would rule out .


  7. As its productivity rises over time China must continue to allow its real exchange rate to rise ( either through currency appreciation or through inflation ) , but our new burger barometer suggests that the yuan is not hugely undervalued today .


  8. This baby will change our lives . I doubt the queen will continue to allow me to serve in the senate , and if the Counsil discovers you are the father , you will be expelled from the Jedi order .
