- adv.从上下文;根据上下文

Analyzing Contextually the Theory of Computational - Representational Understanding of mind
Our goal is to design products that are contextually relevant and available through the medium and methods that make sense to users .
For example , EFL learners should be provided with rich and contextually appropriate L2 input in foreign language learning .
Others think freely and contextually .
Many of Apple 's new features represent an effort to make iPhones smarter and more contextually aware of users " daily rhythms and needs .
The Twist Scenario Editor is essentially a rich text editor that gives business users a lot of flexibility to write whatever is contextually relevant for a test .
If we convert these lines to what they mean in English , we can see that each information item , and its context , makes sense and is contextually complete
It is a matter of learning the word contextually as a fragment of sentences which one learns to bring forth as wholes under appropriate circumstances .
What 's different today compared to a few years ago , Gonda says , is brands have to be situationally aware and contextually relevant .
A definition in which the term is used by embedding it in a larger expression containing its explanation ; for example , " legal duty " might be defined contextually .
Two problems on translation of description of nonverbal communication are probed into : being lack of the awareness of cultural messages included in the description of nonverbal communication contextually ;
WebSphere Commerce V7 drives improved customer loyalty and increased shopping cart sizes by delivering rich , personalized , and contextually relevant content at each stage of the shopping experience .
Past researches agreed that this kind of positive regard should be the outcome of a comparison with a contextually relevant out-group , which was called in-group favoritism .
Most of the principles in this book attempt to minimize work , while providing greater levels of feedback and contextually useful information to the user . Are fire escapes available for buildings more than one story high ?
Search is what Mr Sievert calls contextually relevant in Windows Vista , which means that if , for example a user types mouse with the control panel open , up pop the setting for the mouse .
In other words , it is a socio-linguistically and contextually oriented framework , in which language is viewed as being embedded in culture and meanings can be properly understood only with reference to the cultural environment in which they are realized .