
美 [kənˈspɪkjuəs]英 [kənˈspɪkjuəs]
  • adj.明显的;引人注目的;易见的;惹人注意的

派生词: conspicuously adv.;conspicuousness n.

con- 共同,一起 + spic 看 + -u- + -ous ...的




easy to see or notice; likely to attract attention

Mary's red hair always made her conspicuous at school.


I felt very conspicuous in my new car.


The advertisements were all posted in a conspicuous place.


The event was a conspicuous success (= a very great one) .





  • 1
    ADJ-GRADED 显眼的;引人注目的
    If someone or something is conspicuous, people can see or notice them very easily.

    The most conspicuous way in which the old politics is changing is in the growing use of referendums...


  • Britain continues to follow US policy in this and other areas where American policies have most conspicuously failed...


  • 3
    PHRASE 因缺席而引人注意的
    If you say that someone or something is conspicuous by their absence, you are drawing attention to the fact that they are not in a place or situation where you think they should be.

    He played no part in the game and was conspicuous by his absence in the post-match celebrations.



obvious to the eye or mind
a tower conspicuous at a great distance
wore conspicuous neckties
made herself conspicuous by her exhibitionistic preening
without any attempt at concealment;completely obvious
blatant disregard of the law
a blatant appeal to vanity
a blazing indiscretion
Synonym: blatant blazing


  1. She is a conspicuous figure .


  2. Therefore , developing the substitute of fossil fuel causes wide public concern and biomass energy is the most conspicuous substitute , because of its reproducibility and cleanability .


  3. Mary 's red hair always made her conspicuous at school .


  4. I felt very conspicuous in my new car .


  5. The advertisements were all posted in a conspicuous place .


  6. The event was a conspicuous success .


  7. When it came to cleaning up afterwards , Anne was conspicuous by her absence .


  8. You may feel tearful in situations where you feel conspicuous .


  9. It was an age of conspicuous consumption — those who had money liked to display it .


  10. The most conspicuous way in which the old politics is changing is in the growing use of referendums


  11. The explosive growth in casinos is one of the most conspicuous signs of Westernisation .


  12. He played no part in the game and was conspicuous by his absence in the post-match celebrations .


  13. The girl tried to make herself as conspicuous as possible .


  14. His virtues are as conspicuous as his defects .


  15. Mark Twain is a conspicuous example .


  16. The discrepancy in the company accounts was too conspicuous that no auditor could have failed to notice .


  17. Epidote may be quite conspicuous .


  18. It is conspicuous that smoking is harmful to health .


  19. Its colouring makes it highly conspicuous .


  20. Theoretical Analysis about the Influence of Conspicuous Consumption to Economic Growth


  21. The great value of traditional intellectual properties is increasingly conspicuous .


  22. Quantitative analysis is a conspicuous feature in contemporary Chinese linguistics .


  23. Well , I could list its most conspicuous features .


  24. A review of conspicuous research progress in stored grain pest control


  25. Harmony is the essence and a conspicuous feature of Chinese traditional culture .


  26. The difficult situation has been already conspicuous that Chinese university students obtain employment .


  27. With the rapid development of Web Services , the security problem is increasingly conspicuous .


  28. They need to stop making themselves conspicuous and integrate into society .


  29. Empirical Study on Relationship between Self-concept Attribution and Conspicuous Consumption Behavior


  30. A New Conspicuous Subject : Large Area Electronics



concert n. 音乐会

con- 共同,一起 + -cert 唱

confuse vt. 混淆

con- 共同,一起 + fus 流,泻;融化 + -e

connect v. (使计算机)连接(到互联网或计算机网络)

con- 共同,一起 + nect 绑,连结

consider v. 考虑

con- 共同,一起 + sider- 星星

consist v. 包括

con- 共同,一起 + sist 站立

contact n. 联系,联络

con- 共同,一起 + tact 摸

contest n. 竞赛

con- 共同,一起 + test 测试,证据

conduct n. 行为

con- 共同,一起 + duct 引导

content n. 所容纳之物

con- 共同,一起 + tent 拿住

conceal vt. 隐藏

con- 共同,一起 + -ceal 藏

concentrate v. 集中(注意力)

con- 共同,一起 + centr 中心 + -ate 做,造成

concept n. 概念

con- 共同,一起 + cept 拿,抓,握住

concern vt. 涉及

con- 共同,一起 + cern 观察

conclude v. 断定

con- 共同,一起 + clud 关闭 + -e

concrete n. 混凝土

con- 共同,一起 + cret 生长 + -e

condemn vt. 谴责

con- 共同,一起 + -demn 伤害

condense v. 压缩

con- 共同,一起 + dense adj.浓密的

condition n. 条件

con- 共同,一起 + dit- 说话 + -ion 行为,状态

confess v. 承认(自己感到羞愧或尴尬的事)

con- 共同,一起 + fess 说

confine vt. 限制

con- 共同,一起 + fin- 限制,界限 + -e

confirm v. (尤指提供证据来)证实,证明

con- 共同,一起 + firm 强

conflict n. 争执

con- 共同,一起 + flict 打击

congratulate vt. 向(某人)道贺

con- 共同,一起 + gratulate 祝贺

congress n. 国会

con- 共同,一起 + gress 走,步伐

conjunction n. 连词 (如and、but、or)

con- 共同,一起 + junct 连接 + -ion 行为,状态

conquer vt. 占领

con- 共同,一起 + quer 问,找寻

conquest n. 征服

con- 共同,一起 + quest 问,找寻

conscious adj. 有意识的

con- 共同,一起 + sci 知道 + -ous ...的

consent n. 同意

con- 共同,一起 + sent 感觉

consequence n. 结果

con- 共同,一起 + sequ 跟随 + -ence 性质;状态

constant n. 常数

con- 共同,一起 + st- 站,立 + -ant ...的

construct vt. 建筑

con- 共同,一起 + struct 建造,建立

consult v. 咨询

con- 共同,一起 + sult- 召集

consume vt. 消费

con- 共同,一起 + sum 用,拿 + -e

consumption n. (能量、食物或材料的)消耗,消耗量

con- 共同,一起 + sumpt 用,拿 + -ion 行为,状态

contain vt. 包含

con- 共同,一起 + tain 拿住

contemporary adj. 属同时期的

con- 共同,一起 + tempor 时间 + -ary ...的

contempt n. 蔑视

con- 共同,一起 + tempt 蔑视

contract n. 合同

con- 共同,一起 + tract 拉,拖

convenience n. 方便

con- 共同,一起 + ven 来 + -ence 性质; 状态 + -i-

convention n. 习俗

con- 共同,一起 + vent 来 + -ion 行为,状态

convert v. 转换

con- 共同,一起 + vert 转

convey vt. 传达

con- 共同,一起 + vey 道路

convince vt. 说服

con- 共同,一起 + vinc 征服,克服 + -e

consolidate v. (使)巩固

con- 共同,一起 + solid adj.固体的 + -ate 做,造成

constrain vt. 强迫

con- 共同,一起 + -strain 拉紧

context n. 上下文

con- 共同,一起 + text 编织

concession n. 让步

con- 共同,一起 + cess 行走,撤退 + -ion 行为,状态

confront vt. 直面

con- 共同,一起 + front- 前额

console vt. 安慰

con- 共同,一起 + sol 安慰;安抚 + -e

contend v. 竞争

con- 共同,一起 + tend 伸展

confer v. 商讨

con- 共同,一起 + fer 带来,拿来

consecutive adj. 连续的

con- 共同,一起 + secut 跟随 + -ive 形容词后缀

conform vi. 符合

con- 共同,一起 + form 形状

concede v. 让步

con- 共同,一起 + ced 行走,服从 + -e

consensus n. 一致的意见

con- 共同,一起 + sens 感觉 + -us 名词后缀

conscientious adj. 认真的

con- 共同,一起 + sci 知道 + -ent ...的 + -ious ...的

concise adj. 简明的

con- 共同,一起 + cis 切,割 + -e

constitute vt. 组成,构成

con- 共同,一起 + stitute- 建立

constituent n. (选区的)选民,选举人

con- 共同,一起 + stitu- 建立;放 + -ent suffix表示“动作的发生”:refluent

contemplate v. 沉思

con- 共同,一起 + templ 庙 + -ate 做,造成

conceive v. 想出(主意、计划等)

con- 共同,一起 + ceive 抓住,获取


dangerous adj. 危险的

danger n.危险 + -ous ...的

famous adj. 著名的

fam 说,论 + -ous ...的

generous adj. 慷慨的

gener 出生 + -ous ...的

humorous adj. 幽默的

humor n.幽默 + -ous ...的

nervous adj. 焦虑的

nerv(e) 神经 + -ous ...的

precious adj. 珍奇的

preci 价格,价值 + -ous ...的

serious adj. 不好的

seri- 重的 + -ous ...的

autonomous adj. 自主的

autonom(y) + -ous ...的

mountainous adj. 多山的

mountain n.山 + -ous ...的

poisonous adj. 引起中毒的

poison n.毒物 + -ous ...的

anxious adj. 焦虑的

anx- 苦恼 + -i- + -ous ...的

conscious adj. 有意识的

con- 共同,一起 + sci 知道 + -ous ...的

curious adj. 好奇的

cur- 跑,流动 + -i- + -ous ...的

enormous adj. 巨大的

e- 向外,离开 + norm 规则 + -ous ...的

jealous adj. 嫉妒的

jeal 热心,热情 + -ous ...的

marvelous adj. 了不起的

marvel 奇迹 + -ous ...的

numerous adj. 很多的

numer 数目 + -ous ...的

obvious adj. 明显的

ob- 加强 + vi 道路 + -ous ...的

previous adj. 上一次的, 上一个的

pre- ...前的 + vi 道路 + -ous ...的

prosperous adj. 繁荣的

prosper 兴旺,繁荣 + -ous ...的

ridiculous adj. 荒唐的

ridicule 嘲笑 + -ous ...的

tedious adj. 乏味的

tedi- 疲乏,厌倦 + -ous ...的

tremendous adj. 巨大的,极大的

trem- 颤抖 + end n.最后部分 + -ous ...的

vigorous adj. 充满活力的

vigor 精力,活力 + -ous ...的

anonymous adj. 匿名的

an- 否定 + onym 名字 + -ous ...的

fabulous adj. 极好的

fabul 说 + -ous ...的

superfluous adj. 过剩的

super- 超过 + flu 流动 + -ous ...的

gorgeous adj. 非常漂亮的

gorge 装饰喉咙的东西 + -ous ...的

monotonous adj. 单调的

mono- 单个 + ton 声 + -ous ...的

rigorous adj. 严格缜密的

rigor 严格,严密 + -ous ...的

disastrous adj. 极糟糕的

disast(er) 灾祸 + -ous ...的

infectious adj. 传染性的,感染的(尤指通过呼吸)

infect v.感染 + -ous ...的

  • 习语


conspicuous by your absence

not present in a situation or place, when it is obvious that you should be there

When it came to cleaning up afterwards, Anne was conspicuous by her absence.
