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美 [kənˈsɑːlɪdeɪt]英 [kənˈsɒlɪdeɪt]
  • v.(使)巩固;(使)结成一体,合并;使加强

派生词: consolidation n. 过去式: consolidated 现在分词: consolidating 过去分词: consolidated 第三人称单数: consolidates

con- 共同,一起 + solid adj.固体的 + -ate 做,造成





to make a position of power or success stronger so that it is more likely to continue

With this new movie he has consolidated his position as the country's leading director.


Italy consolidated their lead with a second goal.



to join things together into one; to be joined into one

All the debts have been consolidated.


consolidated accounts


The two companies consolidated for greater efficiency.



the consolidation of power


the consolidation of Japan's banking industry




  • 1
    VERB 加强;巩固
    If you consolidate something that you have, for example power or success, you strengthen it so that it becomes more effective or secure.

    The question is: will the junta consolidate its power by force?...


  • But change brought about the growth and consolidation of the working class...


  • 3
    VERB 合并;使联合
    To consolidate a number of small groups or firms means to make them into one large organization.

    Judge Charles Schwartz is giving the state 60 days to disband and consolidate Louisiana's four higher education boards...


  • This consolidation meant having to reduce the numerical strength of the Army...



make firm or secure;strengthen
consolidate one's gains
consolidate one's hold on first place
make or form into a solid or hardened mass
consolidate fibers into boards
form into a solid mass or whole
The mud had consolidated overnight
unite into one
The companies consolidated
bring together into a single whole or system
The town and county schools are being consolidated


  1. The question is : will the junta consolidate its power by force ?


  2. We 've made a good start , now it 's time to consolidate .


  3. Italy consolidated their lead with a second goal .


  4. With this new movie he has consolidated his position as the country 's leading director .


  5. IBM , which consolidated some operations last summer , has made clear that it needs to continue to streamline them .


  6. Judge Charles Schwartz is giving the state 60 days to disband and consolidate Louisiana 's four higher education boards


  7. Brydon 's team-mate Martin Williamson consolidated his lead in the National League when he won the latest round .


  8. The two schools will be consolidated into one .


  9. The two companies will consolidate in July next year .


  10. Those four banks have consolidated and formed a single , large bank .


  11. He believed that the European economic community should consolidate .


  12. The team 's victory consolidated its chance for the championship .


  13. Our national defence will be further consolidated .


  14. Our troops consolidated our position with reinforcements .


  15. President Barack obama 's race to the top grant competition consolidated the focus on reading and math , and leveraged federal funds to push states to tie teacher evaluation to student test results .


  16. Those two banks have consolidated and formed a single large bank .


  17. These measures are meant for consolidating the system of basic medical care .


  18. The two banks will consolidate in July next year .


  19. We are consolidating the Chinese and English versions of our homepage .


  20. The two sides shall stick to mutually-beneficial cooperation and consolidate convergence of interests .


  21. Yuan Shih-k'ai , a would-be Oriental Bonaparte , now attempted to consolidate his power .


  22. We should speed up the establishment of an economic and social order compatible with the epidemic prevention and control , make efforts to consolidate and expand the hard-won positive trend , and bring the country 's economic and social development back to the normal track at an early date .


  23. As a Chinese saying goes , neighbors wish each other well , just as loved ones do to each other . China will continue to promote friendship and partnership with its neighbors , consolidate friendly ties and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with them and ensure that its development will bring even greater benefits to its neighbors .


  24. Consolidating Security Auditing to Drive Network and Information Security Closed-loop Management


  25. Consolidate System Construction and Innovation to Prevent and Restrict Financial Corruption


  26. On Application of Significance Principle in Consolidated Financial Report


  27. Construction Model and Realization of Consolidated and Integrated Land and Resources Fundamental Database


  28. Consolidate the function of management to prevent from medical dispute


  29. Research on the Comprehensive Consolidated Supervision of Foreign Banks


  30. Comparison of Characteristics Between Normal Consolidated Soil and Over - consolidated Soil



concert n. 音乐会

con- 共同,一起 + -cert 唱

confuse vt. 混淆

con- 共同,一起 + fus 流,泻;融化 + -e

connect v. (使计算机)连接(到互联网或计算机网络)

con- 共同,一起 + nect 绑,连结

consider v. 考虑

con- 共同,一起 + sider- 星星

consist v. 包括

con- 共同,一起 + sist 站立

contact n. 联系,联络

con- 共同,一起 + tact 摸

contest n. 竞赛

con- 共同,一起 + test 测试,证据

conduct n. 行为

con- 共同,一起 + duct 引导

content n. 所容纳之物

con- 共同,一起 + tent 拿住

conceal vt. 隐藏

con- 共同,一起 + -ceal 藏

concentrate v. 集中(注意力)

con- 共同,一起 + centr 中心 + -ate 做,造成

concept n. 概念

con- 共同,一起 + cept 拿,抓,握住

concern vt. 涉及

con- 共同,一起 + cern 观察

conclude v. 断定

con- 共同,一起 + clud 关闭 + -e

concrete n. 混凝土

con- 共同,一起 + cret 生长 + -e

condemn vt. 谴责

con- 共同,一起 + -demn 伤害

condense v. 压缩

con- 共同,一起 + dense adj.浓密的

condition n. 条件

con- 共同,一起 + dit- 说话 + -ion 行为,状态

confess v. 承认(自己感到羞愧或尴尬的事)

con- 共同,一起 + fess 说

confine vt. 限制

con- 共同,一起 + fin- 限制,界限 + -e

confirm v. (尤指提供证据来)证实,证明

con- 共同,一起 + firm 强

conflict n. 争执

con- 共同,一起 + flict 打击

congratulate vt. 向(某人)道贺

con- 共同,一起 + gratulate 祝贺

congress n. 国会

con- 共同,一起 + gress 走,步伐

conjunction n. 连词 (如and、but、or)

con- 共同,一起 + junct 连接 + -ion 行为,状态

conquer vt. 占领

con- 共同,一起 + quer 问,找寻

conquest n. 征服

con- 共同,一起 + quest 问,找寻

conscious adj. 有意识的

con- 共同,一起 + sci 知道 + -ous ...的

consent n. 同意

con- 共同,一起 + sent 感觉

consequence n. 结果

con- 共同,一起 + sequ 跟随 + -ence 性质;状态

constant n. 常数

con- 共同,一起 + st- 站,立 + -ant ...的

construct vt. 建筑

con- 共同,一起 + struct 建造,建立

consult v. 咨询

con- 共同,一起 + sult- 召集

consume vt. 消费

con- 共同,一起 + sum 用,拿 + -e

consumption n. (能量、食物或材料的)消耗,消耗量

con- 共同,一起 + sumpt 用,拿 + -ion 行为,状态

contain vt. 包含

con- 共同,一起 + tain 拿住

contemporary adj. 属同时期的

con- 共同,一起 + tempor 时间 + -ary ...的

contempt n. 蔑视

con- 共同,一起 + tempt 蔑视

contract n. 合同

con- 共同,一起 + tract 拉,拖

convenience n. 方便

con- 共同,一起 + ven 来 + -ence 性质; 状态 + -i-

convention n. 习俗

con- 共同,一起 + vent 来 + -ion 行为,状态

convert v. 转换

con- 共同,一起 + vert 转

convey vt. 传达

con- 共同,一起 + vey 道路

convince vt. 说服

con- 共同,一起 + vinc 征服,克服 + -e

constrain vt. 强迫

con- 共同,一起 + -strain 拉紧

context n. 上下文

con- 共同,一起 + text 编织

concession n. 让步

con- 共同,一起 + cess 行走,撤退 + -ion 行为,状态

confront vt. 直面

con- 共同,一起 + front- 前额

console vt. 安慰

con- 共同,一起 + sol 安慰;安抚 + -e

contend v. 竞争

con- 共同,一起 + tend 伸展

confer v. 商讨

con- 共同,一起 + fer 带来,拿来

consecutive adj. 连续的

con- 共同,一起 + secut 跟随 + -ive 形容词后缀

conform vi. 符合

con- 共同,一起 + form 形状

conspicuous adj. 引人注目的

con- 共同,一起 + spic 看 + -u- + -ous ...的

concede v. 让步

con- 共同,一起 + ced 行走,服从 + -e

consensus n. 一致的意见

con- 共同,一起 + sens 感觉 + -us 名词后缀

conscientious adj. 认真的

con- 共同,一起 + sci 知道 + -ent ...的 + -ious ...的

concise adj. 简明的

con- 共同,一起 + cis 切,割 + -e

constitute vt. 组成,构成

con- 共同,一起 + stitute- 建立

constituent n. (选区的)选民,选举人

con- 共同,一起 + stitu- 建立;放 + -ent suffix表示“动作的发生”:refluent

contemplate v. 沉思

con- 共同,一起 + templ 庙 + -ate 做,造成

conceive v. 想出(主意、计划等)

con- 共同,一起 + ceive 抓住,获取


celebrate v. 庆祝

celebr 荣誉 + -ate 做,造成

create vt. 创造

cre 生长 + -ate 做,造成

decorate v. 装饰

decor 装饰,装潢 + -ate 做,造成

hesitate v. 犹豫

hes 粘着 + -it- + -ate 做,造成

investigate v. 侦查(某事)

in- 在内,进入,使 + vestig- 脚印,踪迹 + -ate 做,造成

accelerate v. 加快

ac- 朝,向,去 + celer- 快,速 + -ate 做,造成

calculate vt. 计算

calcul- 计算 + -ate 做,造成

evaluate vt. 估计

e- 向外,离开 + valu(e) 价值,重视 + -ate 做,造成

indicate v. 表明

in- 在内,进入,使 + dic 说 + -ate 做,造成

irrigate vt. 灌溉

ir- 在内,进入 + rig- 雨 + -ate 做,造成

liberate vt. 解放

liber n.契据登记簿 + -ate 做,造成

negotiate v. 谈判

neg- 无,不 + oti- 休闲 + -ate 做,造成

participate vi. 参加

parti- 部分,分开 + cip 拿,抓住,获取 + -ate 做,造成

tolerate vt. 容许,允许(不同意或不喜欢的事物)

toler 容忍 + -ate 做,造成

violate vt. 违反

viol- 暴力,力量 + -ate 做,造成

anticipate vt. 预料

anti- 早于,预先 + cip 拿,抓住,获取 + -ate 做,造成

appreciate v. 欣赏

ap- 朝,向 + preci 价格,价值 + -ate 做,造成

approximate v. 近似

ap- 朝,向 + proxim 靠近,接近 + -ate 做,造成

associate v. 联合

as- 朝,向,加强 + soci 同伴,结交,联合 + -ate 做,造成

circulate v. 循环

circ- 弯曲 + -ul- + -ate 做,造成

concentrate v. 集中(注意力)

con- 共同,一起 + centr 中心 + -ate 做,造成

cooperate vi. 合作

co- 共同,一起 + oper- 工作 + -ate 做,造成

cultivate vt. 培养

cult- 耕种 + -iv- + -ate 做,造成

demonstrate v. 证明

de- 完全,加强 + monstr 展示,示范 + -ate 做,造成

dictate v. 命令

dict 说,断言 + -ate 做,造成

educate vt. (在学校)教育

e- 向外,离开 + duc 引导 + -ate 做,造成

eliminate vt. 排除

e- 向外,离开 + limin 门槛,限制 + -ate 做,造成

estimate v. 估计

estim 价值 + -ate 做,造成

evaporate v. 蒸发

e- 向外,离开 + vapor- 蒸汽 + -ate 做,造成

generate vt. 生成

gener 出生 + -ate 做,造成

illustrate vt. 说明

il- 否定 + lustr 明亮的 + -ate 做,造成

imitate vt. 仿效

imit- 相像 + -ate 做,造成

isolate v. (使)隔离

isol- 岛屿 + -ate 做,造成

moderate adj. 适度的

mod 方法,模式 + -er- + -ate 做,造成

motivate vt. 激励

motiv(e) 动机 + -ate 做,造成

radiate v. 辐射

radi 光线,辐射 + -ate 做,造成

regulate v. 规定

reg 规则 + -ul- + -ate 做,造成

rotate v. (使)旋转,(使)转动

rot 旋转 + -ate 做,造成

stimulate vt. 促进

stimul- 刺,刺激 + -ate 做,造成

fabricate vt. 制作

fabric n.布 + -ate 做,造成

dedicate vt. 奉献

de- 离开,向下 + dic 说 + -ate 做,造成

fascinate v. 入迷

fascin- 使着迷 + -ate 做,造成

commemorate vt. (用…)纪念

com- 共同,一起 + memor 记忆 + -ate 做,造成

emigrate vi. 移居国外

e- 向外,离开 + migr- 移动,迁移 + -ate 做,造成

aggravate vt. 加重

ag- 加强 + grav 重,加重 + -ate 做,造成

originate v. 起源

origin n.起源 + -ate 做,造成

alternate n. 候补

alter v.改变性质 + -n- + -ate 做,造成

compensate v. 补偿

com- 共同,一起 + pens 称量,支付 + -ate 做,造成

activate vt. 激活

active 活跃的 + -ate 做,造成

migrate v. (随季节变化)迁徙

migr- 移动,迁移 + -ate 做,造成

assimilate v. (使)同化

as- 朝,向,加强 + simil- 类似,一样 + -ate 做,造成

differentiate v. 区分

different 不同的 + -i- + -ate 做,造成

humiliate vt. 羞辱

hum 土,地 + -ate 做,造成

speculate v. 推测

specul 看 + -ate 做,造成

formulate vt. 制定

formul(a) 公式 + -ate 做,造成

illuminate vt. 照明

il- 使...,进入 + lumin 光 + -ate 做,造成

simulate vt. (用计算机或模型等)模拟

stimul- 刺,刺激 + -ate 做,造成

deviate vi. 背离

de- 离开,向下 + vi 道路 + -ate 做,造成

frustrate vt. 使懊丧

frustr- 欺骗,失望 + -ate 做,造成

fluctuate vi. (大小、数量、质量等)波动

fluctu 波浪,流动 + -ate 做,造成

contaminate vt. 污染,弄脏

contamin- 污染 + -ate 做,造成

segregate v. (使)隔食

se- 分开 + greg 群体 + -ate 做,造成

collaborate vi. 合作

col- 共同,一起 + labor n.劳动 + -ate 做,造成

incorporate vt. 合并

in- 在内,进入,使 + corpor 身体,团体 + -ate 做,造成

deteriorate vi. 变坏

deterior 更坏 + -ate 做,造成

dominate v. 支配

domin 统治,专制 + -ate 做,造成

integrate v. 整合

integr 完整 + -ate 做,造成

designate vt. 命名

design n.(建筑、服装等的)设计方案 + -ate 做,造成

manipulate vt. 操纵

mani 手 + pul 一捆 + -ate 做,造成

agitate v. 摇动(液体等)

ag- 加强 + -it- + -ate 做,造成

advocate vt. 拥护

ad- 加强 + voc 叫喊,声音 + -ate 做,造成

renovate vt. 修复

re- 重新 + nov- 新的 + -ate 做,造成

saturate vt. 使湿透

satur- 足够,饱足 + -ate 做,造成

nominate v. 提名

nomin 名称 + -ate 做,造成

insulate vt. 使隔热

insul 岛屿 + -ate 做,造成

terminate v. 终止

termin 界限 + -ate 做,造成

discriminate v. 区分,辨别

dis- 分开,分离 + crimin 分开 + -ate 做,造成

elevate vt. 提升

e- 向外,离开 + lev 举,升 + -ate 做,造成

facilitate vt. 促进

facil(e) 容易的 + -it- + -ate 做,造成

donate vt. 捐赠

don 给予 + -ate 做,造成

subordinate n. 下属

sub- 次一等 + ordin 命令 + -ate 做,造成

assassinate vt. 暗杀

assassin n.暗杀者 + -ate 做,造成

contemplate v. 沉思

con- 共同,一起 + templ 庙 + -ate 做,造成

irritate vt. 刺激(皮肤或身体部位)

ir- 在内,进入 + rit 擦,摩擦 + -ate 做,造成