coming back to you

美 [ˈkʌmɪŋ bæk tu jə]英 [ˈkʌmɪŋ bæk tu ju]
  • 网络回到你身边
coming back to youcoming back to you
  1. I don 't love you . I 'm not coming back to you .


  2. He 's never coming back to you , you really need to move on .


  3. If I go back empty-handed , I might be coming back to you soon to ask for a job .


  4. True love has confidence in the quality of the relationship . It knows that the other person is happy and content coming back to you , and only you .


  5. You can use it both informally and formally I think if you offer a consistently good service to your clients , they will keep coming back to you .


  6. It is a time when remembrance of your true self is coming back to you , and because it was agreed beforehand immense help is being given to lift you up again .


  7. Remember , what you upload or say online has a habit of coming back to haunt you , so if you don 't want the risk of exposure , just don 't put it out there to begin with .


  8. Indeed , as a growing number of job applicants are beginning to discover to their cost , those embarrassing pictures that you uploaded to your MySpace page or Facebook or Flickr account after the last office party have a nasty habit of coming back to haunt you .


  9. I was coming back to check on you .


  10. But I 'm coming right back to get you after I return the laptop .


  11. He 's coming back . Good luck to you .


  12. So stop looking for answers in the world . Just keep coming back to that center and you 'll always find peace .


  13. But if she wins , she is coming back for you to take you along on the ride to America 's future .


  14. But as to the dead coming back to life ; have you not seen in the book of moses , about the burning thorn-tree , how God said to him , I am the God of abraham , and the God of isaac , and the God of jacob ?


  15. I know that day is coming soon-ya , Im coming back to you .


  16. I know that day is coming soon-ya , I 'm coming back to you .
