- n.专家;行家
- cognoscente的复数

She has an international reputation among film cognoscenti .
The exchange was seen as an embarrassment among some members of the cultural cognoscenti , who have been basking in France 's cultural supremacy , with a flurry of new museum openings and the Nobel Prize , at a time when the economy and government are struggling .
Until a few days ago , only copper market cognoscenti had heard of Shanghai Chaos .
As a secretary yourself you are one of the cognoscenti who can spot the make of typewriter .
Such a sullen response is testimony , say Europe 's cognoscenti , to enlargement fatigue .
Most of the Washington cognoscenti have written off a potential candidacy as quixotic .
So I thought it would be important for you to be among the cognoscenti and to know that it is spelled in the way that I just mentioned .
According to the cognoscenti , functional training should be the core of a fitness program for anyone who wants to develop strength , skill , agility , and balance for sports .
That , at least , wasn 't a surprise : their new Milanese restaurant , currently attracting scores of well-heeled cognoscenti , is called Gold .
California is no longer a punch line among New York 's wine cognoscenti , who generally reserve their praise for earthy Burgundies and high-acidity Mosel Rieslings .
Mooted candidates include David Miliband , the foreign secretary , and his brother Ed , the energy secretary , scions of the north London cognoscenti with a tendency to speak in abstract nouns .