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  • 网络共轭亚油酸;古典
  1. Aesthetic consciousness is the subject of aesthetic value in literature and art . There are two systems about aesthetic consciousness : clas - sical aesthetics and modern aesthetics .


  2. The third part is the history analysis and relatively study of CLAS .


  3. For other clas - ses of problem , limiting equilibrium methods of analysis may be required .


  4. Finally , my first clas had arrived .


  5. Review on study of colloidal liquid aphrons ( CLAs ) and its applications in separation engineering


  6. Let G be a finite group , | x | be the length of conjugacy clas containing x.


  7. We sang the alma mater at the end of our clas reunion .


  8. Preparation of the Novel Colloidal Liquid Aphrons ( CLAs ) and its Application on Recovery of Crude Oils from Oily Sludge


  9. Secondly , through the evaluation system unique of Chinese , namely the ranking of seven constraints of CLAs , we evaluate all the output candidates simultaneously .


  10. Based on the general comparison between physical exercise class and straining after clas , the natural function , basic function and complementary function of training after class are expounded .


  11. Furfural was recycled by vacuum distillation and the product was washed by water . Finally , bright yellow CLAs product with the purity of 97.4 % was obtained .


  12. This systemic theory can generate all kinds of possible candidates for CLAs and make the optimal one CLA with constraints of different ranks , i.e. faithfulness constraints and markedness constraints .


  13. In weak field approximation , we get an intermediate-range gravity of Yukawa type as well as Fujii model , but our theory is purely Clas & sical .


  14. Local scholars and experts have already described and illustrated this kind of language phenomenon with certain efforts and achievements . But for the motivation of CLAs , we are still in shortage of thorough exploration or theoretical support from general linguistics .


  15. Chinese lexical abbreviations ( CLAs ) are of one significant and unique language phenomenon , the study of whose motivation is beneficial to reflect their relevant factors . Thus , we can implement deep research and thorough study of the groundwork of CLAs .


  16. The experimental results showed that the purity and recovery of CLAs were 97.2 % and 62.5 % when extraction section and washing section were with a number of theoretical stages of two and four , respectively , which were in accordance with the results of theoretical calculation .
