
美 [ˈseʃn]英 [ˈseʃn]
  • n.(尤指战争结束后领土或权利的)割让


U C(尤指战争结束后领土或权利的)割让
the act of giving up land or rights, especially to another country after a war

see also cede


the act of ceding
Synonym: ceding


  1. TX A Study on the Issue of the Cession of Alaska


  2. cession The cession of the territory could not be avoided because they lost the war .


  3. Research on Legal Problems of Debt Cession in International Factoring


  4. Discussion on Applying Clean Production in Refined Oil Warehouse tank cession price


  5. Discussion of Perfecting the System of Twice Cession


  6. On Controlling the Lass in Oil Product Regulation by Statistic Technique ; tank cession price


  7. The cession of the territory could not be avoided because they lost the war .


  8. It is namely when the cession of insurance mark , perform the procedure that the contract agrees .


  9. On Adaptive Cession of State Sovereignty


  10. Securitization of housing mortgage can best develop the secondary market , as it is free of the limitations of direct cession .


  11. If this domain name brings hundreds of yuan cession to expend only , fail namely to him .


  12. Classics Partner agrees with cession equity , below coequal condition , other shareholder has preferential buy right .


  13. Mortgage is right transfer warranty type in Anglo-American legal system , it has similar as well as different with warranty of cession in civil law system .


  14. A series of talks will be organized to introduce methods for smoking cessation , as well as cession services available at school and the community .


  15. And the cession of entrance ticket of opening ceremony closure must pass BOCOG written approval is dealt with by the program .


  16. Issuance , claims and reinsurance cession functionalities .


  17. Diplomatic and security Integration of European Union is a huge international system project , involving cession of state sovereignty , adjustment of defense structures , and regrouping of military industries .


  18. RESULTS & CONCLUSION : As a dual inhibitor of5-hydroxytryptamine and dopamine , amfebutamone is effective for depression , but also effective for smoking addiction cession .


  19. Firstly , the cession of one territory of China-Hong Kong , which is one part of English foreign Policies on China , which was formed for a long time and arrived its final target .


  20. For a territorial cession , the military government of the principal occupying power does not end with the coming into force of the peace treaty , but continues until legally supplanted .


  21. Because of the cession of insurance mark modificatory insurance contract has a kind of specific case , of the insurance mark that is freightage insurance contract make over , insurance contract is changed automatically .


  22. As a warranty type of right transfer , warranty of cession has a certain reality base , and be adopted by many countries for its easy to trade , but it can not be brought into existing real guarantee style .


  23. Because policy-holder must is opposite of insurance mark have insurance interest , so , the cession of insurance mark can bring the change of insurance contract main body accordingly , those who transfer insurance sign perform legal procedure with respect to need .


  24. Furthermore , the author illustrates the wetland 's features of Huanghe delta ecosystem , including its successions and evolvement , and points out that both positive and negative successions exist because of the affections of pollution , current cession etc.


  25. The system of cession change appeared polarization trend , on the one hand , by the " lock " effect , emphasize the protection of the debtor ; on the other hand , the bearer securities influence , one-sided emphasis on the transaction efficiency .


  26. But on accounting of many factor 's influence relating to the cession of signory , the alteration of relative advantage and the obstacle of technician , especially on the buckpassing responsibility of developed countries , it should take much time to found this system .


  27. After the Great War ended , Germany was forced to cession of vast tracts of land , and how to retake these lost territories , especial eastern region of domain , becomes one of the core tasks in German previous governments ' foreign policy .
