‘ You will like Rome , ’ he said , with absolute certitude .
A memorable example is the " conventional certitude " , in which a spuriously precise number becomes the focus for all debate .
We have this definite certitude that Cicippio will be freed .
We get into a contradiction between the society - order based on certitude and the uncertain society .
So let me ask you : Have we gone from one false certitude to another ?
Consequently it is the certitude of the virtual identity between itself and the objective world .
Doubt and certitude are subjective reactions to the evidence .
Besides , technology , which is supposed to provide a scientific explanation for everything , becomes another source of certitude .
He felt a wild desire to run after them , a certitude that he could run them down .
And the field of hacking , through losing its moral certitude , may have grown up a little .
It is not clear why we enjoy certitude so much certitude being the subjective experience of feeling certain .
Hath really neither joy , nor love , nor light , Nor certitude , nor peace , nor help for pain ;
Opponents with humanity would rob " our boys " and the audience of moral certitude [ 2 ] .
This article gives a detailed description on the certitude , basis , theoretical guidance , teaching design and application of the integration of information technology and geography curriculum .
The media love certitude , too . Newspaper editors hate headlines with " may " or " might " in them .
Security herein have two meanings : technical and legal . Electronic sending of commercial information and transferable document need authenticity , certitude , integrity .
For my part , I marvel at the certitudes of those offering bold predictions and prescriptions .
He knew his friend had always plenty of money , and he knew also , with profound certitude , that his success would enable him to repay it .
And without such instinctive certitude we could not understand the manner in which men both cherish their life and expose it to all kinds of dangers .
Well to me betraying the age means exposing its conceits , its foibles ; its phony moral certitudes .
The one certitude we can draw from events over the past year is our inability to predict what is to come , and how it may trigger other unexpected events .
Chained by his certitudes , he is a slave . He has forfeited his freedom .
The fingers were curved like talons , but they closed on empty air . Swiftness and certitude require strength , and the man had not this strength .
Will to me , betraying the age means exposing its conceits , its foibles , its phony moral certitudes .
Politicians are creatures of certitude : they join a tribe of like-minded people , convinced that the tribe on the other side is wicked and stupid .
Courage somes from the trust , and trust from the certitude , and certitude from effort , and effort from desire , and desire from purity of heart .
Then the certitude of his ultimate success rose up in him , an able ally of hunger , and with a quick movement he slipped the coin into his pocket .
In fact , he mingles literary criticism , philosophy , phenomenology , structuralism and hermeneutics together , searching the long route of interpreting so as to reach the self at the hermeneutical level of certitude .
For the world , which seems to lie before us like a land of dreams , so various , so beautiful , so new , Hath really neither joy , nor love , nor light , nor certitude , nor peace , nor help for pain ;