
See ? Nothing can be so cheap without certian requirements .
We are also starting to get deals with certian carriers to pull their data directly .
The physicochemical properties and applied prospects of certian kaolinite ores discovered recently in Hunan Province
Transgenic plantlets could inhibit ecdysis of larvae and exhibit toxicity to a certian extent .
By the time , these various artists who had come a long way together had reached a certian artistic maturity and decided to part company .
ing becomes stronger . " However , there is still a strong sense of denial among certian nationalistic elements in Japan .
Because of these demerits , the generalization and application of APF is restrained to a certian extent .
When a new movement in art attains a certian fashion , it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at .
But even today , certian conservative elements in Japan still deny a massacre , or try to downscale the scope of the event .
IF one day , you discover that your parents certian habit no longer their habit now , just like they don 't wish to take their shower everyday
The result of mutual predict prove that the model has good stability and generalization ability , The predicted values of 7 unknown samples are to a certian extent valuable .
Political education is a kind of educational practical activity that acquires political support affecting the political standpoint and attitude , which serves certain class and social group for certian political goal .
Lu Junfeng , vice president of Suning Logistics , is floating the idea of joint industry collaboration in certian areas to overcome their current challenges .
In designing certian special precision structures ( trusses ), owing to functional requirements of the structure , it is desired that the deformed structure should have an expected shape .
A S-N curve has been brought forward with the modified parameter partially , by which the life of anchorage systems can be forecasted to a certian extent on test conditions of this paper .
While the number is a relatively small portion of the total , Wang Lu , a researcher with the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention , says certian trends behind the figure are worrisome .
However , for a crude polysaccharide part which was extracted and simply purified from medicinal materials , the monosaccharide composition of polysaccharides will also reflect the quality characteristic of polysaccharides to a certian extent .
Local quake relief workers are still making their way into more remote villages in the area , as communications to certian areas around the epicenter were on Tuesday night in the aftermath of the quake .
Since " acrobatics " does not rely on language , it is not confined to a certian nationality and place , thus achieving an effect that mere language , music and dance are incapable of .