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  • 网络应用协议;应用层协议
  1. Legal Analysis on the Parties of " The Contract of Order for AgriculturalProduct ( COAP )"


  2. Using COAP regimen and CCNU with FT-207 in the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer


  3. CoAP was born with its consideration of resource-constrained environment , so it has great advantages in application environment of the Internet of Things compared to HTTP .


  4. First , this paper kept following the drafting process of CoAP and processed deep analysis about testing requirements and test suite framework based on the latest version of CoAP draft .


  5. Constrained Application Protocol ( CoAP ), a new network transport protocol which combined the idea of REST architecture of the Internet and the features of IoT , is proposed by the IETF recently .


  6. Toward that end , ARM has been heavily involved in efforts such as 6LoWPAN , which concerns the interoperability of networks of low-power devices and today 's dominant Internet protocol , and the Constrained Application Protocol ( CoAP ) , an Internet protocol tailored to simple electronics , he said .
