- n.羧苄青霉素

All of the strains were 100 % sensitive to Ofloxacin , Tobramycin and Kanamycin , as well as Rifabutin ( 40 % ), while Cefuroxime and Carbenicillin was not sensitive at all .
The results were : ( 1 ) ampicillin or carbenicillin did not promote growth of Candida albicans ;
At the same time , carbenicillin and cefotaxime showed positive effect on regeneration of callus .
Antibiotics with more than 40 % sensitivity rates were carbenicillin , mezlocillin , trimethoprim , ticarcillin , ticarcillin / clavulanic acid .
Carbenicillin also had some stimulative effects on callus formation of pepper cotyledon explants , and on rooting of regenerated plants resulting in shorter and thicker roots or even roots with tumors .
Results of sensitivity to antibiotics showed that the strains were very sensitive to amikacin , tobramycin , norfloxacin , and gentamicin , but insensitive to penicillin , carbenicillin and ampicillin .
Except for carbenicillin ( CAR ) and imipenem ( IMP ), the drug-resistance rates to 14 antibiotics for P. aeruginosa from patients were higher than that from oxygen humidification bottles ( 37.5-84.2 % vs 3.5-28.6 % , P < 0.001 ) .
The resistant rates of imipenem , ceftazidime and cefoperazone / sulbactam to ESBL strains were null percent . Except ampicillin , carbenicillin and cefazolin , other 9 β lactam antibiotics to ESBL negative strains were less than 6 % .