
  • 网络碳二亚胺;碳化二亚胺
  1. Using carbodiimide method and isobutylchloroformate method , two artificial antigens were synthesized .


  2. Interestingly , thus formed vesicles could be readily cross-linked at the interface using cysteamine via the carbodiimide chemistry .


  3. Application of Carbodiimide - Modified MDI in HR / CC Polyurethane Foam


  4. The difference properties of porcine acellular dermal matrix crosslinked by epoxy compound and carbodiimide


  5. Mechanism of Deactivator Acting on Catalyst in Carbodiimide - Modified MDI


  6. Acute chemical ophthalmitis caused by n , n ' - dicyclohexyl carbodiimide vapor


  7. The antigenic conjugate of norfloxacin and bovine serum albumin ( BSA ) was prepared by carbodiimide method .


  8. The conjugates of norfloxacin-ovalbumin ( OA ) used for coating antigen were synthesized by carbodiimide method and mixed anhydride method , respectively .


  9. The polymer-grafting solid catalyst is a new catalyst beneficial to environment and is developmental direction in preparation of carbodiimide from condensation of isocyanate .


  10. Results According to carbodiimide method , antigens of OA-BSA and OA-OVA are successfully prepared from minute amount hapten of OA .


  11. Synthesis and Herbicidal Activities of Cyclic Imides Derivatives ; The difference properties of porcine acellular dermal matrix crosslinked by epoxy compound and carbodiimide


  12. It has been shown that proteins and enzymes can be bound covalently to freshly prepared magnetite in the presence of carbodiimide .


  13. Synthesis of Fe / La-Cross-Linked Montmorillonite and Its Catalytic Oxidation Performance The difference properties of porcine acellular dermal matrix crosslinked by epoxy compound and carbodiimide


  14. Methods Isolated and purified ACE was mixed with vector , chitosan , and crosslinking agent , carbodiimide ( EDC ), and ACE was immobilized .


  15. Then , antigen was prepared by conjugation of hapten with carrier protein by carbodiimide ( EDPC ) method and was identified by UV spectroscopy and SDS-PAGE .


  16. Synthesis of MDI-based Carbodiimide Hydrolyze-Resistant Reagent


  17. Methods Metalaxyl was acidified to its acid , and then the HRP-Metalaxyl conjugate was prepared by coupling the acid to Horseradish Peroxidase using a water-soluble carbodiimide procedure .


  18. Immuno-microspheres for detection of swine trichinosis had been prepared from soluble antigen of trichinella spiralis covalently bound to polystyrene micro-spheres by carbodiimide reaction .


  19. Two artificial antigens Bz_HS_protein and Bz_SO 2_protein have been synthesized by the succinic anhydride_ carbodiimide method and the sulfonyl chloride method separately .


  20. Modification research of collagen fiber scaffold materials by 1-ethyl-3 - ( 3-dimethyaminopropyl ) carbodiimide ( EDC ) Preparation and Characterization of a Non-Woven Beta-Tricalcium / Collagen Composite Scaffold


  21. The Catalyst used for preparation of carbodiimide from condensation of isocyanate were reviewed in this paper , including phosphorus-containing heterocycle compounds , phosphonate , organic metal compounds and polymer-grafting solid catalysts .


  22. Conjugating Sal to bovine serum albumin ( BSA ) and ovi albumin ( OVA ) by succinic anhydride and carbodiimide transformed Sal , an half antigen , into complete antigen .


  23. Methods The porous matrices containing collagen ⅰ and sodium hyaluronate were fabricated by the freeze-drying technique and were crosslinked by using 1-ethyl-3 - ( 3-dimethyl aminopropyl ) carbodiimide ( EDC ) .


  24. Carbodiimide appeared in residues at temperatures higher than 300 ℃ is attributed to the decomposition of amine compounds . Above 400 ℃, chief components in the residue are melem and its polymers such as melon etc.


  25. Then using the bifunctional coupling agent 1 - ( 3 - dimethyl - aminopropyl ) - 3 - ethyl carbodiimide ( EDC ), folic acid was turned into the ester , coupling with the BSA-DOX .


  26. Methods 14 TT conjugates were prepared by carbodiimide mediated coupling of PNCPS with tetanus toxoid ( TT ) . Female NIH mice were immunized with conjugates or pure PNCPS type 14 , and the PNCPS antibodies in the sera of animals were detected by ELISA .
