- n.裴;布伊

The continuous damage method proposed by Prof. Bui - Quoc is discussed in the paper .
It has become an important issue for us to search the right way to bui Id the E-government of ourselves and make the strategic choices .
I 've never been an Bui 's i 've never been an Hemo 's.
Actually postmodernism has not been uniform mode on bui Id of theoretics and ever not beer a suit of related point .
And widely used in slope of highways and railways , water conservancy projects ' dyke protection , bui I dings around and mining area galleries etc.
Six groups with different ratios and doses were set to seek an optimal combination of Ace , Caf , and Bui , analyzed by the weighted modification method .
The torsion effect of tall bui - lding structures can be controlled by decreasing the moment of torsion and increasing the structural torsion stiffness in practice engineering .
It is an principle in real right law that when real right and obligatory right exist simultaneously , real right has priority , bui it isn 't absolute because special obligatory right can be realized prior to real right .
Vu Bui , Mojang 's chief operating officer , says most Lego sets these days offer " a perfect picture of something that you want to build , and then it 's done . "
In thi s paper , we cite an actual engineering project that a Co. , Ltd. located in Shandong Province bui Ids sewage source heat pump central energy station with the well-developed technology of the renewable water source heat pump .
Based on perfecting constructive technology in creasing operative skills , it analyzes cause of common diseases in process of bui lt-up hole pile and concludes puts forward its preventive measures so as to decrease constructive quality to increase quality of pile foundation .
By providing concessional loans , China is supporting infrastructure projects across Africa . The Bui hydro station in Ghana , cement plant in Zimbabwe , housing project in Equatorial Guinea , telecom network in Tanzania are examples of projects under construction . All this will surely promote economic prosperity and improve livelihood in Africa .