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美 [ɪkˈsplɔːrər]英 [ɪkˈsplɔːrə(r)]
  • n.探索者;探险者;勘探者;考察者

复数: explorers

explor(e) + -er 某种人




a person who travels to unknown places in order to find out more about them



  • 1
    N-COUNT 探险家;探险者
    An explorer is someone who travels to places about which very little is known, in order to discover what is there.


someone who travels into little known regions (especially for some scientific purpose)
Synonym: adventurer


  1. For the Explorer autonomous underwater vehicle control system software architecture


  2. And what does it take to be a space explorer ?


  3. Portuguese explorers had charted the west coast of Africa as far as Sierra Leone


  4. Explorers traced the Nile River to its several headstreams in Central Africa .


  5. Even though there are myriad hardships and hazards , they can 't stop the dauntless explorers .


  6. The explorers paddled their canoe cautiously upstream .


  7. Our geological explorers have left their footprints in every corner of the country .


  8. The Explorer kept a journal of his adventures .


  9. The explorers struck out for the desert .


  10. The explorers discovered an inward passage .


  11. From that day , all the explorers have to walk , inch by inch , all the way up to the gulf .


  12. And while the Portuguese took part in the trade , ferrying nuts down the coast along with other goods , by 1620 , when English explorer Richard Jobson made his way up the Gambia , the nuts were still peculiar to his eyes .


  13. While CHRONOLOGICA tells the stories of famous people in history such as Thomas Edison and Alexander the Great , this book also gives an account of the lives of lesser-known individuals including the explorer Mungo Park and sculptor Gutzon Borglum .


  14. The explorer climbed a tree in order to orientate himself .


  15. At its 2002 peak , Internet Explorer commanded 95 % of the browser market .


  16. The explorer organized an expedition to the North Pole .


  17. The explorers had to rough it when they got into the jungle .


  18. While the first team of explorers called the land heavenly , every subsequent party has suffered horribly .


  19. His father is an Arctic explorer .


  20. The company tried to revitalize IE : With Internet Explorer 9 in 2011 , Microsoft finally released a modern browser .


  21. That 's why , for the past five years , Microsoft has been trying — unsuccessfully — to kill Internet Explorer .


  22. But Edge didn 't actually replace IE. Internet Explorer to this day is pre-installed on Windows PCs alongside Edge .


  23. The Guardian5 has even said that it holds “ the discoveries of some of the most remarkable6 explorers and scholars of their time ” .


  24. The explorers were confronted with gorges ( that were ) almost impassable and rivers ( that were ) often unfordable .


  25. Microsoft 's Internet Explorer engineers acknowledged in 2014 that the company was considering a name change to " separate ourselves from negative perceptions " about the browser .


  26. In its death announcement , Microsoft said Internet Explorer is slow , no longer practical for or compatible with many modern web tasks , and is far less secure than modern browsers .


  27. In Chinese , the name is pronounced zh ō ng gu ó and literally means " the middle country . " The name was first used by the Italian explorer , Marco Polo .


  28. Internet Explorer debuted in 1995 as part of Windows 95 and became an instant hit . It successfully killed off Netscape Navigator , and it achieved a virtual monopoly in the early 2000s .


  29. Application and Analysis of MR Explorer Logging Technology in Fluid Properties Evaluation


  30. Global Explorer algorithm and its application in lens design



corner n.

corn 角 + -er 某种人

customer n. 顾客

custom 习惯,惯例 + -er 某种人

dancer n. 舞者

dance v.跳舞 + -er 某种人

driver n. 驾驶员

drive 驾驶 + -er 某种人

farmer n. 农民

farm n.农场 + -er 某种人

foreigner n. 外国人

foreign adj.外国的 + -er 某种人

manager n. (企业、店铺等的)经理,经营者,老板

manage v.管理 + -er 某种人

officer n. 官员

offic(e) 办公室 + -er 某种人

order n. 顺序

ord 命令 + -er 某种人

owner n. 物主

own adj.&pron.自己的 + -er 某种人

partner n. 搭档

part 部分,分开 + -n- + -er 某种人

player n. 游戏者

play v.玩 + -er 某种人

poster n. 招贴画

post- 邮政,邮件 + -er 某种人

reporter n. 记者

report v.汇报 + -er 某种人

river n.

riv 流动 + -er 某种人

singer n. 唱歌的人

sing v.唱 + -er 某种人

soldier n. (尤指)士兵

soldi- 完整 + -er 某种人

teacher n. 教师

teach 教导,教书 + -er 某种人

teenager n. 青少年

teenage 青少年的 + -er 某种人

winner n. 赢家

win v.在(比赛 + -n- + -er 某种人

worker n. 工人

work 工作,运转 + -er 某种人

writer n. 作家

writ(e) 写 + -er 某种人

cleaner n. 清洁工

clean adj.清洁的 + -er 某种人

fighter n. 战士

fight v.打架 + -er 某种人

former n. 模型

form 形成 + -er 某种人

hunter n. 猎人

hunt v.打猎 + -er 某种人

interpreter n. 口译译员

interpret v.解释 + -er 某种人

keeper n. 保管人

keep v.拥有 + -er 某种人

leader n. 领导

lead v.带领(人)前进 + -er 某种人

manner n. 方式

man- 手 + -n- + -er 某种人

opener n. 开瓶器

open adj.开着的 + -er 某种人

painter n. 油漆匠

paint n.油漆 + -er 某种人

performer n. 表演者

perform v.执行 + -er 某种人

photographer n. 拍照者

photograph n.照片 + -er 某种人

porter n. 搬运工人

port n.港市 + -er 某种人

prayer n. 祈祷(的行为)

pray v.祈祷 + -er 某种人

premier n. 总理

prem- 第一的,主要的 + -er 某种人

receiver n. 接受者

receiv(e) 收到 + -er 某种人

recorder n. 录音机

record n.记录 + -er 某种人

reviewer n. 审核人

review n.审查 + -er 某种人

rooster n. 公鸡

roost n.栖息处 + -er 某种人

runner n. 跑步者

run v.跑 + -n- + -er 某种人

settler n. 移民

settl(e) 定居 + -er 某种人

smoker n. 吸烟者

smok(e) 吸烟 + -er 某种人

traveler n. 旅行者

travel v.旅行 + -er 某种人

user n. 使用者

us(e) 使用 + -er 某种人

viewer n. 观众

view 看 + -er 某种人

villager n. 村民

villag(e) 村庄 + -er 某种人

westerner n. 西方人

west n.西 + -ern ...方向的 + -er 某种人

announcer n. 播音员

announc(e) 宣布;声称 + -er 某种人

barber n. (为男子理发、修面的)理发师

barb- 胡须;胡子 + -er 某种人

beginner n. 新手

begin v.开始 + -n- + -er 某种人

carrier n. 载体

carr(y) 运送 + -i- + -er 某种人

commander n. 指挥官

com- 共同, 一起 + mand 命令, 委托 + -er 某种人

container n. 容器

con- 共同, 一起 + tain 拿住 + -er 某种人

employer n. 雇用者

employ v.雇用 + -er 某种人

lever n. (车辆或机器的)操纵杆,控制杆

lev 举,升 + -er 某种人

liner n. 邮轮

lin(e) 线;划线于 + -er 某种人

listener n. 听者

listen v.听 + -er 某种人

liver n. 肝脏

live v.活着 + -er 某种人

lover n. 情人

lov(e) 爱 + -er 某种人

manufacturer n. 制造商

manufactur(e) 产品;制造 + -er 某种人

messenger n. 送信人

messag(e) 信息 + -er 某种人

miner n. 矿工

mine pron.我的所有 + -er 某种人

murderer n. 杀人犯

murder n.谋杀 + -er 某种人

observer n. 观察者

observ(e) 观察 + -er 某种人

philosopher n. 哲学家

phil 爱,喜欢 + -o- 无实义 + soph 智慧 + -er 某种人

reader n. 读书…的人

read v.读 + -er 某种人

researcher n. 研究员

research n.研究 + -er 某种人

rider n. 骑手

rid- 骑行 + -er 某种人

robber n. 强盗

rob v.抢劫 + -b- + -er 某种人

seller n. 卖者

sell v.卖 + -er 某种人

steamer n. 蒸汽机

steam n.蒸汽 + -er 某种人

stranger n. 陌生人

strang(e) 陌生的 + -er 某种人

tender adj. 柔软的

tend 伸展 + -er 某种人

remainder n. 余数

remain v.保持 + -d- + -er 某种人