- abbr.助推段监视和跟踪系统(Boost Surveillance and Tracking System)

Study of the Effect of Electron-beam Irradiation on BSTS Glass Structure by Positron Annihilation Technique
Results indicate that the crystallizing temperature of BSTS glass after irradiation at 900 kGy decreases from 876 ℃ to 856 ℃ .
Some properties demonstrated that BSTS polar glass-ceramics is a promising material in the high temperature applications and can be used as an alternative substrate of SAW devices .
The crystallizing performances and the crystallizing status of BSTS glass system before and after electron beam irradiation were analyzed by means of DTA and XRD .
In order to enhance the testability , reduce the maintenance costs of the electronic equipment , it is very important to develop a Boundary-Scan test system ( BSTS ) .
The results show that after being radiated by electron-beam , the microstructure of BSTS glass will produce new void defect , but the whole defect concentration decreases and the crystallinity increases .
Effect of electron beam irradiation on crystallization behavior of glass system BaO-SrO-TiO 2-SiO 2 ( BSTS ) were studied . The non ferroelectrics polar glass ceramics ware prepared with isothermal treatment .
Through the repeating experiments and the calculations of the ortho-trial tables , the optimal technical conditions of BSTS polar glass-ceramics was found and the crystallization temperature and the time of heat preservation were proved to be the most important aspects during the crystallization process of glass-ceramics .