
  • 网络野兽派;野兽派风格
  1. The original neo-Classical-style white marble building was joined by a 1970s Brutalist structure , the Manton Research Center .


  2. The Brutalist concrete Guys and St Thomas 's Hospital tower was the tallest in south London in the 70s .


  3. The architecture may be brutalist , but there are also incredible fairy-tale landscapes , two big rivers and lots of green space .


  4. The bridge links the nineteenth century side of the river with the South Bank , which is dominated by the Brutalist forms to meet the demands of the programme and the site .


  5. Designed as a knowledge depository , the subterranean space features a variety of natural materials , such as concrete , copper , iron , and sycamore , which are combined to create dramatic , almost Brutalist interiors .


  6. On Tuesday , the Metropolitan Museum of Art formally reintroduced the building as the Met Breuer , its new Brutalist outpost for Modern and contemporary art , and the gathering was an altogether quieter affair .


  7. It is yet to be seen whether those people who object to brutalist mobile phone masts spoiling the countryside will welcome War of the Worlds-style drones , or if the promise of blanket coverage will be enough to keep complainers quiet .
