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The local school is very close to the village , and although basic , it is breathtakingly picturesque .
That thought occurred time and again while watching Penn State breathtakingly take the national collegiate football championship from Miami .
What I discovered was breathtakingly simple and would change my life forever .
The highland landscape is breathtakingly beautiful at any time of year .
Our advantage : high-quality creative advertising photography and breathtakingly difficult executive photography .
She is not only beautiful but also breathtakingly handsome .
Weber commented that many breathtakingly beautiful , natural places are still unknown to many of us .
Mr Asmus 's metaphors may be breathtakingly mixed , but his big point is right .
but gay marriage is so breathtakingly fresh ,
Yet few were surprised she was so breathtakingly prejudiced .
The gymnast dared a breathtakingly difficult move .
The Guardian described it at the time as " sometimes hilarious , sometimes eye-opening and occasionally breathtakingly shocking . "
Featured in this issue are an ensemble of papers exploring aspects of second-generation sequencing , a technology space that continues to undergo breathtakingly rapid development .
While there are conflicting accounts of who is to blame , the paperwork is breathtakingly straightforward .
He wound up aiming far too high . His proposal for the Lenin Institute in Moscow was both breathtakingly ornate and completely unbuildable .
I work on a charity Committee with a man who has been in the news because the financial institution he founded has lost a breathtakingly large amount of money .
Whether you 're afraid of heights or not , you have to admit that the view atop the Golden Gate Bridge is breathtakingly beautiful .
You can expect to explore beautiful Spanish colonial architecture as well as breathtakingly stunning beaches instead of the same cookie cutter tourist shops found elsewhere .
You might think it also seems unbelievable that Pakistan could be so breathtakingly duplicitous and take such a risk of antagonising America , its most important ally .
A million civilizations is a breathtakingly large number , and it is exhilarating to imagine the diversity , lifestyles and commerce of those million worlds .
Not surprisingly , the mathematics of the10th dimensional superstring is breathtakingly beautiful as well as brutally complex , and has sent shock waves through the mathematics community .
" For BAT to think that it could succeed in this approach is breathtakingly arrogant yet at the same time symptomatic of its past behaviour in Australia and elsewhere ," she said .
No visitors are allowed in the buildings because of the construction work , but the exteriors range from breathtakingly innovative to dull , big boxes , albeit colorfully painted .
Apart from showing the world how breathtakingly beautiful his country 's landscapes are , he has also done something else for New Zealand - he has stimulated his country 's economy in a very measurable way .
So it is here that I see her whole and full , breathtakingly beautiful , a radiance that reached right into you and grabbed your soul , and spoke in words too tender too repeat .
Introducing a new era in lifestyle culture , cave luxury , San Antonio in Santorini is a breathtakingly romantic hideaway with stunning vistas for the eyes of its guests only .
How breathtakingly prescient of her
In China , too , the purported worth of young firms has risen breathtakingly fast - to an average of $ 15m-20m in first-round venture financings , which is expensive even by Silicon Valley 's standards .