- v.〈口〉(小牛小羊似地)叫;瞎说;〈口〉大声地说出
- 网络布拉特;支气管相关淋巴组织;咩咩叫

BLAT and In Silico PCR search for sequences in entire genomes in seconds .
I could see Sanggat making his way to the blat , with tear-filled eyes he approached and in between sobs he asked , Sir , are you coming back ?
This paper is concerned with how to use SFU to recompile and run Linux Blat software under Windows , to share sequence database , and construct a distributed bioinformatics application in Windows / Linux heterogeneous environments .
My father sneezed , his father his father 's father before him were all men for whom a blat from the nose was every bit as bracing as a plunge into the snow following a sauna .
Using the BLAT to alignment the full-length cDNA sequences and the silkworm genome sequences obtained 1492 Candidate promoter sequences , among the total , 743 located on the positive-sense strand and 749 located on the negative-sense strand .