
  • 网络奇怪地;稀奇古怪地
  1. Bizarrely , many people who have one report it as a pleasant experience .


  2. Bizarrely teachers claim sitting exams outside also help prevent cheating .


  3. Bizarrely , nobody had ever thought of measuring this before .


  4. Only North Korea , bizarrely , did nothing except watch its old system crumble .


  5. It also has a bizarrely elongated orbit , going around the sun only once every ten thousand years !


  6. Another method that 's been found to cure hiccups is , bizarrely , rectal massage .


  7. And as you will see , they sometimes come up with bizarrely creative and hilarious examples that will never be forgotten !


  8. Bizarrely , the color of the list box cannot be changed & unless one wants to edit the code of the underlying Perl module .


  9. According to a new survey by Qualtrics , the fit of our jeans affects confidence , mood and - bizarrely - our recycling habits .


  10. A space animator even took the time to use a3-D modeling program to show how the rocket motor could have made what seems a bizarrely regular shape .


  11. Spatial solitons modulated in one-dimensional infinite well potential You bang on drums to make your on-screen characters hit people . How bizarrely cool is that ?


  12. More bizarrely , he is confronted by his son Ako and his grandchildren .


  13. Cookies are the number one choice in the East of England but bizarrely the Sussex coast breaks with tradition preferring KitKat bars to biccies .


  14. Ms Renwick said she had not realised she was pregnant because she continued to have periods throughout her pregnancy and bizarrely had actually lost weight .


  15. Such prudence meant , rather bizarrely , that poor countries such as China were foregoing spending and investment in order to facilitate rich foreigner ' binge-buying .


  16. Bizarrely , they cited the importance of relations with China , as if the foreign ministry had subcontracted its diplomatic responsibilities to a low level of the judiciary .


  17. At least six multiple-story buildings have collapsed in China since 2009 -- including one in Shanghai under construction that bizarrely toppled over virtually intact -- though not all have caused casualties .


  18. So the fact that Paul Ryan , the Republicans ' vice-presidential candidate , has lied about having run a marathon in under three hours , could be bizarrely important .


  19. Unlikely thespian Adele has reportedly signed up to play a baddie spy in a new film , which bizarrely also stars David Beckham and Elton John .


  20. The heart-throb singer bizarrely chose to wear a rubber face mask of himself when he jetted home from New York yesterday to find photographers waiting to snap the real Robbie .


  21. Bizarrely , Travolta got flustered while speaking and ended up introducing her as Adele Dazeem , which predictably had the Internet exploding with memes .


  22. You bang on drums to make your on-screen characters hit people . How bizarrely cool is that ? There shall be no such details as discoloration or electrolyte leakage or 0 voltage .


  23. Bizarrely , the animals are heavier in the autumn , when they can weigh up to 8kg , in comparison to 3kg in the spring months .


  24. In a world without videoconferencing -- and where note-carrying ravens are a slow ( though bizarrely reliable ) precursor to email -- it 's tough to keep an eye on your investments .


  25. But somewhat bizarrely , these interruptions have themselves become a form of entertainment - though at least , the creators of these " interruptions " have the good grace to do them in text form .


  26. This tendency to group things together despite their differences mean lists with a nominal subject matter can include things that wander off topic quite bizarrely , like a list of scientific facts about the human body including a discussion of atomic structure .


  27. Bizarrely , third on the list of items confiscated was living animals , with eight per cent of people admitting they 'd had creatures including lizards and spiders removed from their hand luggage before boarding their flight .


  28. Amy Poehler made out with Bono , Tina Fey mocked George Clooney 's taste in women and Matt Damon emerged , bizarrely , as the night 's recurring gag .


  29. After a couple years of searching , he and a professor there , Howard Chang , settled on an RNA molecule that , somewhat bizarrely , was produced widely by skin cells below the waist but not above .


  30. at Junya Watanabe 's " Hyper Construction , " I watched a slowly choreographed maths lesson involving geometric dresses folded in a spongy bonded polyurethane and accessorised with rubber caps and bizarrely shaped headwear .
