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美 [ˈbɛrəst]英 [ˈbeərɪst]
  • adj.裸露的;无遮盖的;没有保护的;裸体的;(树木)光秃秃的;(土地)荒芜的
  • bare的最高级
  1. It was the barest hint of a smile .


  2. In those days they could hardly maintain the barest living .


  3. There was also the barest hint of restraint , which gave the collection extra power .


  4. But in the US , the barest mention of increasing these taxes has been a form of political suicide .


  5. It is here that the organization should leverage a strong reference architecture that limits choices to the barest minimum .


  6. Use of the fewest and barest essentials or elements , as in the arts , literature , or design .


  7. Although 49 states offer certain rights ( wyomin is the exception ) , only the barest protection exists at national level .


  8. All that I had I gave to you , keeping but the barest veil of reserve .


  9. Armed with computers , freight managers can pack a truck so that only the barest minimum of space is left empty .


  10. There are several startups pushing the idea , and they could offer me only the barest evidence that gamelike systems might significantly improve how people work .


  11. Officials have provided only the barest of details of this . The rubber-stamp legislature has not been consulted .


  12. It would be come advantage to live a simple kind of life , if only to learn what are the barest necessaries of life , and what methods have been taken to obtain them .


  13. In his lab , researchers fill test tubes with the barest ingredients of life , then watch the elements self-assemble into what look like primitive cells , hoping that they will begin replicating .


  14. Sh e would have been a She spoke in the soft slurring voice of the coastal Georgian , liquid of vowels , kind to and with the barest trace of French accent .


  15. The bulk of internal e-mails are exercises in back-covering or throat-clearing , and so if they were forced down to their barest essentials it would become clear that there was nothing there at all .


  16. Amidst the mists and coldest frosts , With barest wrists and stoutest boasts , he thrust his fist against the posts , and insists he sees the ghosts .


  17. This was in fact an adaptation by Huskey of the Version V of the ACE , trimmed to include only the barest minimum of apparatus required to do a useful job , which was defined as the solution of eight simultaneous equations .


  18. And they came unto John , and said unto him , Rabbi , he that was with thee beyond Jordan , to whom thou barest witness , behold , the same baptizeth , and all men come to him .
