首页 / 词典 / good


美 [ˈbɪts]英 [ˈbɪts]
  • n.稍微;有点儿;小块;小量;短距离;稍顷
  • v.咬;叮;上钩;蜇;咬饵
  • bit的第三人称单数和复数



  • 1
    QUANT 一点;少许;少量
    A bit of something is a small amount of it.

    All it required was a bit of work...


  • 2
    PHRASE 稍微;稍稍;有点儿
    A bit means to a small extent or degree. It is sometimes used to make a statement less extreme.

    This girl was a bit strange...


  • 3
    PHRASE 有点儿;有几分;稍微
    You can use a bit of to make a statement less forceful. For example, the statement 'It's a bit of a nuisance' is less forceful than 'It's a nuisance'.

    It's all a bit of a mess...


  • 4
    PHRASE 很多;相当多;相当大
    Quite a bit means quite a lot.

    They're worth quite a bit of money...


  • 5
    PHRASE 稍微(多或少一些)
    You use a bit before 'more' or 'less' to mean a small amount more or a small amount less.

    I still think I have a bit more to offer...


  • 6
    PHRASE 一会儿,片刻(英国英语中亦用for a bit)
    If you do something a bit, you do it for a short time. In British English, you can also say that you do something for a bit .

    Let's wait a bit...


  • 7
    N-COUNT 小部分;小块;片段
    A bit of something is a small part or section of it.

    That's the bit of the meeting that I missed...


  • 8
    N-COUNT 一点;小块;小片;小段
    A bit of something is a small piece of it.

    Only a bit of string looped round a nail in the doorpost held it shut.


  • 9
    N-COUNT (一组事物中的)一个,一项,一件
    You can use bit to refer to a particular item or to one of a group or set of things. For example, a bit of information is an item of information.

    There was one bit of vital evidence which helped win the case...


  • 10
    N-SING (表示不重要)所有相关的零七碎八
    You use bit in expressions such as the charity bit and the whole marriage bit to refer to everything that is involved in something, when you do not think it is important.

  • 11
    N-COUNT 位,比特(计算机的最小信息量单位)
    In computing, a bit is the smallest unit of information that is held in a computer's memory. It is either 1 or 0. Several bits form a byte.

  • 12
    N-COUNT 12.5美分
    A bit is 12 1/2 cents; mainly used in expressions such as two bits, which means 25 cents, or four bits, which means 50 cents.

  • 13
    N-COUNT 马嚼子;马衔
    A bit is a piece of metal that is held in a horse's mouth and is used to control the horse when you are riding.

  • 14

    Bit is the past tense of bite.

  • 15
    PHRASE 一点点地;逐渐地
    If something happens bit by bit, it happens in stages.

    Bit by bit I began to understand what they were trying to do.


  • 16
    PHRASE 急欲摆脱束缚做事;急于开始
    If someone is champing at the bit or is chomping at the bit, they are very impatient to do something, but they are prevented from doing it, usually by circumstances that they have no control over.

    I expect you're champing at the bit, so we'll get things going as soon as we can.


  • 17
    PHRASE 尽微薄之力;尽一份力
    If you do your bit, you do something that, to a small or limited extent, helps to achieve something.

  • 18
    Marcie always tried to do her bit.

  • 19
    PHRASE 完全和…一样…;…程度丝毫不逊色于…
    You say that one thing is every bit as good, interesting, or important as another to emphasize that the first thing is just as good, interesting, or important as the second.

    My dinner jacket is every bit as good as his.


  • 20
    PHRASE 有点儿过分;不合情理
    If you say that something is a bit much, you are annoyed because you think someone has behaved in an unreasonable way.

    It's a bit much expecting me to dump your boyfriend for you.


  • 21
    PHRASE 一点儿也不;毫不
    You use not a bit when you want to make a strong negative statement.

    I'm really not a bit surprised...


  • 22
    PHRASE 并非如此;根本没有;一点儿没有
    You say not a bit of it to emphasize that something that you might expect to be the case is not the case.

    Did he give up? Not a bit of it!


  • 23
    PHRASE 各种零碎东西;七零八碎的东西
    You can use bits and pieces or bits and bobs to refer to a collection of different things.

  • 24
    PHRASE (对工作等)满腔热忱,义无反顾
    If you get the bit between your teeth, or take the bit between your teeth, you become very enthusiastic about a job you have to do.

  • 25
    PHRASE 成为碎片
    If something is smashed or blown to bits, it is broken into a number of pieces. If something falls to bits, it comes apart so that it is in a number of pieces.

    She found a pretty yellow jug smashed to bits.


  • 26
    thrilled to bits→ see:thrilled

  1. AJAX uses asynchronous data transfer ( HTTP requests ) between the browser and the web server , allowing web pages to request small bits of information from the server instead of whole pages .


  2. The best advice to deal with time management is " break it into bits " .


  3. There 's room for another one if you move up a bit .


  4. You need to work on your pronunciation a bit more .


  5. Wind forward to the bit where they discover the body .


  6. Can you turn the volume up a little bit ?


  7. Actually , I 'll be a bit late home .


  8. We can finish this job on time if everyone does their bit .


  9. What 's wrong with a bit of smoodge between friends ?


  10. It 's a bit much calling me at three in the morning .


  11. With a bit of luck , we 'll finish on time .


  12. It costs a bit more than I wanted to spend .


  13. It 's a bit off expecting us to work on Sunday .


  14. We should manage , with a little bit of luck .


  15. Bit by bit memories of the night came back to me .


  16. Everything has become just that little bit harder .


  17. Seven people in the car was a bit of a squeeze .


  18. I 've got a bit of shopping to do .


  19. He didn 't take a blind bit of notice of me .


  20. I 'll be a bit later home tomorrow .


  21. Let 's go somewhere a bit more private .


  22. She couldn 't accept the whole drug-culture bit .


  23. Can you turn the volume up a bit ?


  24. He was a bit off with me this morning .


  25. I 'm feeling a bit fragile after last night .


  26. I need to earn a bit extra this month .


  27. She 's a bit heavy going .


  28. I feel a bit down today .


  29. Can you stand a bit further away ?


  30. The note was written on a scrappy bit of paper .
