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  • 网络西班牙对外银行;毕尔巴鄂比斯开银行
  1. The two banks also have an automobile financing venture in which BBVA holds 35 per cent .


  2. But in Asia , it is BBVA that has taken the lead .


  3. In addition to the Passion Awards , each business area with BBVA has country-specific recognition programs .


  4. Stephen Schwartz is an economist at the Spanish investment bank BBVA in Hong Kong .


  5. BBVA made its initial investment three years ago during a period in which western lenders raced to strike partnerships with Chinese lenders .


  6. BBVA recognizes employees for their dedication through the annual BBVA Passion Awards .


  7. BBVA decided in October 2013 to cut its stake in Citic Bank , part of a conglomerate controlled by the Chinese government , to help meet international capital requirements .


  8. More typical is the case of BBVA , a Spanish lender that now earns more from its banking operations in Mexico than in its home market .


  9. But the concern is that , with non-performing loan rates running at close to 8 per cent at Bankia and at a still elevated 4 per cent at Santander and BBVA , Spanish losses could eat into those capital reserves .


  10. The danger for big banks , though , is that if the Spanish government is forced to bail out weaker banks to such a degree that the sustainability of government debt is imperilled , then it will come back to haunt the likes of Santander and BBVA , too .
