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  • n.班加;邦高
  1. Playing the role of corporate psychoanalyst is a world away from where Mr Banga started .


  2. The urgency Mr Banga is trying to instil in employees also applies to him .


  3. Thirteen years later , Mr Banga signed on as director of marketing for PepsiCo restaurants in India .


  4. Citi insiders said Mr Banga was attracted to the possibility of becoming a chief executive of a leading multinational company .


  5. Banga joined Hindustan lever in 1977 and remains its non-executive chairman .


  6. People will choose where to live , says Ajay Banga , president and chief executive of MasterCard . Capital will follow where people go .


  7. When he learnt that PepsiCo was planning to spin off its restaurant division , Mr Banga decided it was time for a career change .


  8. With his 50th birthday looming , Mr Banga started to think seriously about what he wanted to do with the rest of his career .


  9. Just to be sure , Mr Banga negotiated a $ 4.2m signing bonus that would have been his if MasterCard failed to make good on its promise .


  10. It is in US taxpayers ' best interests that we continue to grow in a region which is delivering strong profits across all its business lines , Mr Banga said in an interview .


  11. To speed up decision-making , Mr Banga has given lower-level employees more authority to negotiate contracts and has created a new division to better compete with electronic payment systems such as PayPal .


  12. Banga , an Indian-born executive who has worked at Citigroup ( c ) , Pepsi ( PEP ) , and Nestl é , is based in New York .


  13. Not many corporate chiefs would admit to having cleaned bathrooms as part of their training , but Ajay Banga , chief executive of MasterCard , is not your typical business leader .


  14. Mr Banga could not be reached for comment . However , in an e-mail sent to staff over the weekend , seen by the Financial Times , he confessed to agonising over his decision to leave .


  15. When pressed to expand on their relationship , though , Banga insists that haythornthwaite acts chiefly as a facilitator between him and the board & not as his ally .


  16. An extrovert , who encourages staffers to drop by his office to discuss everything from the quality of the coffee in the cafeteria to world affairs , Mr Banga can also be extremely blunt , a quality that has rubbed off on other executives .
