首页 / 词典 / good


  1. Cause of Cast-rolling Strip Emerging Transverse Wave and Ways to Aviod It


  2. And make a shine surface on the parts to aviod air bubble between base & coat .


  3. Research of Instantaneous Safe Turning Angle for Car-like Robot to Aviod Polygon Obstacles


  4. How to aviod and reduce the phenomenon , the author found out a set of effective methods in teaching and training , and reference only for the colleagues .


  5. This pathway aviod usage of virulent thiophosgene and horrible smell organic sulfid .


  6. To aviod the airgap mesh distortion caused by the movement of the rotor , moving boundaries are introduced in the airgap .


  7. To aviod the dependence on priori assumption of noise covariance matrices of Kalman filter , H ∞ filter is introduced to obtain the state estimation .


  8. As a worker of radio and TV programs , it is hoped that programs have more consequent effects , less neutral effects and aviod converse effect .


  9. By using this word , we can aviod the contemptuous implication of the " hinayana " and emphasize its fundamental and initial meaning .


  10. The relative errors are less than ± 0.5 % and the advantage of the method is to aviod the pollution of environment by organic solvents . The method can be applied for pharmaceutical analysis .


  11. Secondly , a sliding mode variable structure control law with good robustness and rapidity is designed . We use reverse hyperbolic tangent function to aviod the chattering problem in sliding mode variable variable structure control .


  12. So it was advisable to aviod oral administration of bifidobacteria sensitive drugs in the treatment of enteric infection , Otherwise it may result in worsening or spreading the enteric infection .


  13. Objective To investigate the clinical characteristices of the aged acute myocardiac infarction ( AMI ) in minority nationalities regions in borderland , to reduce and aviod misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis , delay diagnosis .


  14. To acquire the eye movement data in low quality videos , a difference image based importance sampling iris tracking method is proposed , and a blink detection method is proposed based on the gradient integral projection algorithm to aviod drift .


  15. In new coal bed methane gas well , the primary permeability , primary reservoir pressure and skin factor may be obtained by use of the method , so as to aviod the difficulty in need of pre estimating primary reservoir pressure in slug flow interpretation .


  16. In order to get high and stable yield for the two interplanting crops , the seed spacing should be 29.6 cm and the large row spacing should surpass 90 cm to aviod overlap of the condensed space intervals of maize leaf areas .
